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Jay parked his truck down the street from the stash house as he and Upton got ready. Voight's voice cut through on the radio. "Halstead and Upton take the back and get ready for runners. I want to take them all in. Offender transport is rolling in in 10 minutes."

They quickly checked their guns and got out of the truck. Silently they slid down a path between the fence to the back alley. Ruzek, Atwater, Burgess and Voight moved to the front door and got ready for breach.

"We are in position." Upton radio'd the team as she and Jay got into place, guns trained on the back door.

With a nod from Voight, Atwater announced Chicago PD as he used the battering ram on the door. Inside half a dozen black men were sitting around a table in the kitchen playing cards. They all jumped up and scattered as the police crashed into the room.

"Hands up! Get down on the ground!!" Atwater shouted as two men ran towards the back of the house. Two more attempted to run towards the front door but Voight glared at them and they stopped and raised their hands in the air.

"Jay, you've got two coming your way!" Ruzek radio'd as Atwater and Burgess searched two compliant men and applied handcuffs.

The back door crashed open and two men came flying out. The smaller man jumped the railing of the stairs and started to run along the side of the house towards the front.

"Freeze! Police!!" Upton called out before giving chase to the runner. The other offender stopped on the stairs with his hands in the air when he saw Jay training the gun on him. He was the biggest man Jay had ever seen. Over six and a half feet tall and built like a refrigerator.

"Alright, come on down the stairs. Nice and easy." Jay moved in closer, making sure to keep his gun leveled at the offender. The man kept his hands in the air and moved slowly down the stairs. "Hands on the picnic table."

Jay quickly searched the offender for weapons. "Hands behind your back, I'm going to handcuff you now."

"Not going to work boss, I can't put my hands behind my back that far." The offender smirked at Jay and demonstrated his lack of flexibility. His hands don't even come close together behind his back.

"You should try yoga every now and again. It really increases flexibility, man." Jay raised an eyebrow and motioned the man to turn around. He handcuffed the man in front, noticing that the cuffs looked like toys on the massive man. Once cuffed, Jay holstered his gun and took the offender's arm. With a smile the offender twisted his wrists and the chains of the cuffs snapped. Jay went for the gun in his holster but was forced to dodge as the brute laughed and took a swing at him. Jay was quickly on the defensive knowing if the giant got a hit in, it would do major damage. He jumped in with a knee strike to the offender's upper thigh but couldn't jump out fast enough as the man lowered his shoulders and grabbed Jay, pinning his arms to his chest and steamrolling him to the ground. The air rushed out of Jay's chest as he hit the ground with earth shattering force with the giant offender on top of his chest. Gasping, his gun arm was pinned but he managed to reach his taser and shoved it into the offender's side. The man convulsed before he stopped moving and slumped dazed.

"JAY!!!" Upton came back around the side of the house. She had already caught the runner who was in cuffs with her. Atwater came running out the back door as he heard Upton cry out. Jay was struggling to breathe and trying to push the monster off him. With difficulty Atwater managed to pull the giant off Jay who rolled to his side desperately trying to get his breath back. Voight and Ruzak came out the back door as patrol took the offenders from inside to the transport truck.

"Are you ok?" Hailey passed the runner to Ruzak before dropping to her knees.

"I'm ok. just can't... catch my breath." Jay pulled the velcro on the side of his vest to open it.

"Why are you always trying to fight guys bigger than you Halstead??" Atwater shook his head before moving over to pull Jay into a standing position. "Hailey, check his ribs. If he's just winded, standing up will help it pass faster. Trust me, first lesson in football practice."

Hailey quickly reached under Jay's vest and checked for broken ribs. "I think you need to go to the hospital and get checked out, Jay."

Jay shakes his head vehemently, "nothings broken. No hospital. I just need a couple minutes."

Hailey shook her head with a smile knowing that Jay won't go to the hospital unless absolutely necessary. Jay let go of Atwater and held on to the fence as he focused on each painful breath.

"Alright we're done here. Hailey, why don't you take Jay home. Jay, you have furlough time you need to use up. Why don't you take the rest of the week off to spend time with Mouse while he's here?" Voight put a hand on Jay's shoulder.

"Ya, Trudy's been threatening me if I don't use some of my time up. Thanks Sarg." Jay nodded before pushing off the fence and slowly walking to his truck holding his ribs. Atwater and Ruzak put zip cuffs on the giant before pulling him to his feet and walking on either side of him to the offender transport. Hailey and Jay arrived at the truck and Jay pulled out the keys and with a sigh handed them to Hailey who raised an eyebrow as she took them.

"Are you absolutely sure I can't get you checked out at the hospital?" Jay shook his head again with a smirk before climbing into the passenger side of the truck. "Jay Halstead, you are a stubborn man." 

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