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Greg woke up the next morning and was surprised to find Erin sitting next to his bed. 
“How are you doing?” Erin stood and squeezed his shoulder gently. 
“I feel like I’ve been put through the meat grinder.” Mouse grimaced before glancing over to the other bed. He could see Hailey had moved the recliner chair next to Jay’s bed and was curled up asleep. “I’m so happy they found him. He got himself caught to help me but…”
Greg’s voice caught and he was unable to finish. He fought the emotions. Erin leaned in and gently hugged him. “It’s ok Mouse, it’s over. You did it. You got both of you out and you’re both going to be ok.” 
Greg broke down finally as Erin held him. So much pain and torment over the past few days.  Finally he sat back,  feeling slightly better. Erin let him go but took his hand. They both heard a slight groan from the other bed.  Erin looked over her shoulder and saw Jay starting to stir with a pained expression on his face. His breathing was increasing rapidly and laboured. She squeezed Greg's hand before moving over to Jay's bed and put a hand on his leg.  
"Shhhh." Erin soothed trying not to wake Hailey.  Jay's eyes opened and he struggled to take a deep breath. "I'll call the nurse."
Erin slipped out of the room towards nurses station. She met up with Will before she got there. He looked disheveled like he had just woken up.  Erin took it as a good sign that he had managed to sleep a little. 
"He’s waking up but it seems like he's having a bit of trouble breathing." Erin explained before Will rushed into the room. 
Hailey was awake and starting to look at Jay with concern. Will came up next to his brother and started to check the monitors. “Jay, what’s going on? You seem to be having some pain or discomfort.”
“I’m having trouble breathing again.” Jay admitted and tried to push himself to sit up higher. Will lowered the bed to lay Jay down flat and replaced the nasal tube with an oxygen mask. 
“What’s going on? The nurses station just called me.” Dr Choi came into the room putting gloves on. Jay arched his back slightly, trying to relieve the pressure he was feeling through his torso. He tried to keep his breathing steady and even but struggled.
“Let’s take him for a chest scan.” Ethan quickly decided after assessing his patient. Will put his arm around Hailey as Ethan followed the gurney out of the room. 
“Is he ok?” Greg called out from his bed. 
“He will be. Dr. Choi is one of the best surgeons in the hospital. He’ll figure out what’s going on. I’m going to go to see what the scan shows. I’ll let you know as soon as I do.” Will left the girls and Greg to follow his brother's gurney. Will waited with Ethan as the scans started to come up. They both leaned in to look at the monitor as the picture started to clear. 
“He’s moving too much. We may have to sedate him.” Ethan frowned at the blurred scans. 
“I’ll go in there and see if I can get him to stay still.” Will went into the scan room with Jay.
“Jay, we’re not getting clear images because you’re moving too much. I need you to try to stay completely still for just a couple minutes.” Will squeezed Jay’s hand in the machine. 
“It’s getting worse.” Jay gasped into the oxygen mask. He tried to keep his breaths fast and shallow as he gripped Will’s hand in an effort to stay still.
“We’ve got it, you can get him out.” Ethan came over the speaker. Will pulled Jay out of the machine and squeezed his shoulder. Will tried to go back to see the screen but Jay grabbed his hand.
    “Please don’t leave me alone.” Jay gasped before groaning and arching his back against the bed. 
“We need to bring him back into surgery now. He’s still bleeding somewhere.” Ethan explained when Will wheeled him out of the scan room. Jay’s hand in Wills suddenly went limp as he slumped back into unconsciousness. One of the monitors started to beep as his heart rate started to rise. The two doctor’s rushed the bed down the hall towards the operating rooms. 

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