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"We're almost there." Hailey stared at the GPS, willing the arrow to move faster. Ruzek was driving with Atwater and Burgess in the back. Voight had gone with Erin and the Feds in their van. All of Chicago firehouse 51 had met up with them outside of town to assist in the rescue. Several patrol cars followed as well.

"Kill the sirens." Voight called over the radios as they all slowed slightly to look for the country road to get closer to Mouse's phone. They saw a slight opening in the trees with tire tracks for a narrow road leading in the right direction. They parked along the road and unloaded. Silently they crept forward into the clearing. A metal structure came into view, similar to a bomb shelter, partially dug into the ground. The fire department hung back to wait to see if they were needed once the area was clear. Tommy was bending over Mouse and had just finished untying his hands from the rail when he saw them. He pulled Mouse to stand with a gun at his head. Mouse fought through the pain to stay conscious to look for an opportunity to break free.

"Thomas Barrick, drop the gun and put your hands on your head." Erin called out to the armed offender. Federal agents and police were aiming their rifles trying to get a clear shot.

"You are going to let me get in my car and drive away if you want this vermin to live!" Tommy shouted back. Ruzek and Atwater didn't enter the clearing but slipped through the woods around the building to the opposite side as silently as they could.

"They left my brother to die!!" Tommy screamed and let go of Mouse's throat and grabbed him by the back of the shirt to drag him towards the SUV.

Mouse locked eyes with Erin. He was done with the pain and loss of control. He spun quickly while Tommy's attention was on the police surrounding him. He forced Tommy's hands into the air and kneed him in the ribs, pain roaring through his supporting knee. Tommy's gun went off into the sky. A single shot fired and a red spot exploded on Tommy's forehead as Ruzek came out from beside the building and tackled Tommy. Everyone jumped into action. Ruzek threw the gun away as Atwater grabbed Mouse as he started to fall, pain radiating throughout his body. Atwater slowly lowered Mouse to the ground.

"You're ok, it's over man." Atwater assured Mouse who curled up on the ground.

Voight, Hailey, Burgess and Erin ran to Mouse.

"Mouse, you are ok, it's over." Erin knelt down in front of him and took his hand. She was mortified when she saw his injuries close up. His face was swollen and with black eyes, his clothing torn and bloody stained. "Where is Jay?"

Mouse felt tears in his eyes but fought through it. He pointed to the woods on the far side of the clearing. "I saw him take Jay into the woods over there."

Voight was quick to call in the rescue team. "We believe Jay's been taken into the woods. We're not sure his condition or how far. Be very careful, this offender has rigged several bombs so far."

Brett ran up to assess the first victim while Violet and the second driver pulled the ambulance into the overgrown driveway. She started taking vitals as she took in the obvious injuries.

"I need to stay and make sure Jay is alright." Greg insisted as he fought to stay conscious.

"We need to get you to the hospital Greg. Voight and CFD will find Jay." Silvie said after a quick assessment.

"Kim will go to the hospital with you. She will update you when we find Jay." Voight promised. They loaded him up in the second ambulance and sent him off with a police escort. 

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