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Mouse came to as Jay was being dragged out of the room. He thought briefly that he should go try to fight Tommy off but knew with his injuries he would lose. His jaw throbbed from where he was hit and his eye was swollen shut. The door closed behind them to the basement and Mouse realized he wasn't tied down. He dragged himself to his feet and limped across the floor as quietly as he could. He managed to unlock the door, cringing when the slide bolt squeaked. He was free. They were in the middle of a wooded area with one driveway in. The black SUV was parked in front of the cabin. Mouse limped down the stairs to the vehicle's door.

"Please don't be locked," Mouse quickly opened the back door with a sigh of relief. Under the seat he found his phone. Tommy had been smart enough to turn it off but not smart enough to get rid of it all together. Relief washed over him as he turned it on and started to hobble as fast as he could for a path through the forest. He hoped Tommy would assume he would head for the road. As soon as it loaded up he put the call in to Sergeant Voight.

"Sarg, it's Mouse. Start pinging the phone, I don't know how long before he realizes I got out." Mouse started talking rapidly. "You're going to need to bring search and rescue, we're in some sort of solid bunker. You'll never get into it if we're inside. He's got a bomb in the basement too. Sarg, you need to find us fast, it's bad. I'm going to hide the phone in case he catches me so you have longer to follow the signal."

Without waiting for a response Mouse hid the phone in the roots of a stump and continued to get as far away from the bunker as possible hoping to gain them more time. It was only a few minutes when he started to hear crashing sounds in the woods behind him and he looked quickly for any place to hide with no luck.

"You really think I was done with you?" Tommy came running down the path and hit Mouse in the ribs with his baton. Mouse crumpled to the ground and put his tied hands up to protect his head. Tommy kicked him a couple more times before picking him up over his shoulder like he weighed nothing.

"Let's load up. Get the long guns." Voight called out orders as they all rushed to mobilize after Mouse dropped the phone. Upton stayed at the computer to lock down the location.

"Got it!! It's a little over an hour outside Chicago in a wooded area, Sarg!" Hailey sent the location to all their phones while Atwater and Ruzek loaded up the long guns in the vehicles.

"Chief Boden, we need a search and rescue team and two ambulances to follow us to a location out of the city. Halstead and his friend were taken by a serial killer and we just got a location. Can you follow us out?" Voight was quick to call Chief Boden as they were loading up into the cars.

"We're on our way." Boden replied without hesitation.

Tommy dropped Mouse to the ground next to the SUV with a thud. Mouse moaned in pain and curled up trying to protect his head and ribs.

"What did you do??" Tommy noticed the car door was not shut tightly and Mouse's heart sank. He had been afraid to slam the door hard in case it made a noise when he got his phone but thought it had closed all the way. Tommy wretched open the back door and quickly searched the car and realized the phone he had thrown in the back after he had turned it off was gone. Rage filled him and he got out and kicked Mouse viciously in the back and head. He grabbed the ropes tying Mouse's hands in front of him and dragged him to the porch railing. Mouse lay semi-conscious as his hands were tied tightly to the rail before Tommy disappeared into the house. It seemed like a long time to Mouse before Tommy reappeared with Jay over his shoulder. He couldn't move as Tommy carried his friend into the forest and disappeared. 

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