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Police cars screamed into the empty parking lot where a navy van was engulfed in rolling flames. Parking quickly Platt and the officers jumped out of the vehicles, guns drawn.

"Looks like we're too late, Sarg." A young officer noted quickly and Platt rolled her eyes at the obvious statement.

"Over here Sarg!" Another officer quickly called from some tall grass at the edge of the paved area. Jay's duffle bag was laying open in the grass. The jeans and shirt he had been wearing were discarded next to the bag. Sitting on top of the bag were Jay's badge and gun.

"Hank, we have a problem." Platt quickly called Voight. "We followed the trackers and we found Halstead's clothes, bag, badge and gun. He's gone Hank. No cameras or pods in this parking lot. The van is here too, on fire so no DNA."

On the other end of the line Voight looked ready to explode. He resisted the urge to throw his phone and put it back into his pocket. He turned back to the paramedics checking Ruzak and Atwater who were just starting to come around.

Jay started to wake up and found himself tied to a chair with his arms behind his back. He took a deep breath and tried to force his eyes to stay open as the tranquilizer continued to wear off. Suddenly a bucket of ice cold water was thrown at him pushing away all traces of lethargy as the adrenaline kicked in. He raised his head to catch a first look at his captor. A tall man pulled a chair in front of Jay and straddled it facing Jay with a curious expression on his face. He was a large man with dark hair and beard.

"I have been very much looking forward to meeting you, Jay Halstead. I have heard many stories about you from other members of your old rangers unit." The man had a strangely soft voice for such a large man.

"Where's Greg?" Jay demanded, glaring at the man with steel in his eyes. The man smirked and shook his head.

"I know you are used to being in charge but here, this is my house. I'll ask the questions." Jay tried to look around the room for signs of his friend. Smack! The man backhanded Jay hard across the face. Jay brought his glare back to the man, his face stinging. "Have you figured out who I am, Detective?"

Jay looked hard at the man in front of him. They really had just started exploring the different family members of the other rangers who had died in the convoy but something about this man was hauntingly familiar.

"Barrick. You are Mike Barrick's younger brother. Tommy, I think it was?" Jay finally made the connection. The brothers had the same clear blue eyes although the man in front of him had eyes that were icy and full of anger. Mike's had always been full of laughter unless they were in battle

"Very good detective! My research showed you were a pretty smart guy. That's why I knew I needed to get you quickly once I started getting my revenge on the survivors in Chicago. If you started connecting the dots there was a slight chance you would figure me out before I could talk to you. Especially when I learned your good friend Greg aka Mouse was going to be in town briefly. You were supposed to be with him when I grabbed him. You almost ruined my plans. I'm sure your sergeant wanted to put you in protective custody. I'm sure it was your idea to attempt to draw me out." Tommy stared at Jay with angry scrutiny as he spoke. Suddenly there was a loud thump from a large footlocker chest against the wall. Tommy glanced at it briefly before turning his attention back to Jay.

"Now you are going to tell me about the convoy where my brother was left to die." Tommy demanded as another thump came from the chest.

"Let me out!" A familiar voice called from the chest as a wave or relief washed over Jay.

"Shut up you! It's not your turn!" Tommy stood and went over to the box and kicked it.

"Let me out! Please!" The voice called out again, panic clear in the tone. Tommy undid the lock and opened the chest. "I won't run, I promise. Please let me out of here."

Tommy pulled Mouse out of the chest by the shirt. His face was swollen and bloody. His hands were tied in front of him. As Tommy pulled him to stand, Mouse could not put weight on one leg. Tommy pulled him out of the box then threw Mouse into the corner of the room.

"Stay there and be quiet." Tommy glared at Mouse before sitting in front of Jay again clearly agitated. "Now, the convoy. Tell me."

"We were on our way to the airport to pick up supplies when we hit a roadside bomb and were ambushed. I tried to get your brother out but the truck was hit with an RPG before I could. That's it. That's the story. There was nothing we could do." Jay explained quickly, trying not to allow his anger at seeing his friends condition creep into his voice.

"Not good enough!" Tommy stood up angrily and threw the chair across the room. "You left my brother to die! You managed to save this worthless vermin!"

Tommy picked up a baseball bat and circled Jay. He suddenly realized that he was not wearing his jeans and shirt with the trackers in them but clothes that had been in his overnight bag. He fought fear as he started to glance around the room to see how he was going to get them out of there. Tommy brought his attention back to him by setting the bat on Jay's shoulder and leaning into him.

"Just in case you think you are going to figure a way out on your own, Detective." Without hesitation Tommy drew the bat back and swung it, smashing the side of Jay's left knee. He cried out in agony and strained against the ropes tying his hands. "We have a lot to talk about. Neither of you are going anywhere."

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