Missing in Action

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Jay rushed up the stairs to the intelligence department mid morning the next day.

"Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?" Ruzak asked, a puzzled expression clear on his face.

"Mouse is missing," Jay didn't waste a moment. "He never came back to my place last night. He didn't send a text or call me. Now his phone is going right to voicemail. It's not like him."

"Maybe he found someone he wanted to spend the night with better than you? He has been away in the desert for awhile now." Ruzak cocked his head at Jay and sat on the edge of the desk.

"If he did, he would have texted me. After being in a war together you don't ever go MIA. Something is wrong." Jay said with determination.

"Got a case for you," Sergeant Platt came up the stairs with a file folder in her hand. She gave Jay a strange look. "Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?"

Burgess took the file and opened it. Jay saw the picture inside and grabbed it from her. "I know this guy. He was in my unit on my last tour of Afghanistan. He was beaten to death?"

"Are you sure it's the same guy Jay? I don't believe in coincidences." Voight came over to look at the file.

"One hundred percent. He was in the convoy that got road bombed with Mouse and I. Everyone in that convoy is ingrained in my memory." Jay started to pace reading through the details of the murder.

"James Moore, US Army Ranger. He completed 5 tours in Afghanistan and was moving up the ranks. Went missing 10 days ago. His body turned up in Jackson Park last night. He was beaten severely. ME hasn't ruled on the cause of death yet." Jay put the picture of his former friend and team member on the board.

"Alright, we are going to start working both cases and see if they are linked. Burgess and Ruzak go to the restaurant where Mouse was going for dinner and see if there is any footage. Atwater and Upton go talk to James Moore's widow Isabel. Jay, if you have contact with anyone else from your unit you need to check in. You don't go anywhere alone until we find out if your old unit is the target." Voight sent them all off to work. 

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