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"Well this looks like the place, apparently it has amazing steak." Ruzak checked his phone and the sign on the building. "I'm hoping they're open, it's a little early yet."

They got out of the car and entered the front door. The owner was accepting a delivery of liquor bottles and checking them off on a list. He glanced up at them before signing the slip and passing it back to the delivery man.

"Morning, we're from PD and had a couple of questions to ask you about a patron who was here last night. Greg Gerwitz otherwise known as Mouse. Do you know him?" Ruzak showed the owner the picture on his phone.

"Sure I know Greg, we went to high school together. He comes in whenever he's back in town. He was here with a couple friends last night actually. Everything ok?" The owner put his clipboard down on the bar and the delivery man rolled his dolly out the back door.

"We're not sure yet," Ruzak put his phone back into his pocket. "He never made it back to his friend Jay's place which is out of character."

"You're right, that's not like him at all. He and Jay are like brothers, he wouldn't do that to Jay. Come on back, I've got a few cameras." Burgess and Ruzak followed the owner back into his office and he rewound the footage from the night before. They could see Mouse having dinner with 3 other guys and Ruzak took a picture of the screen to send back to Jay to identify. They watched as Mouse finished around 9 and shook hands with the other two men who stayed behind to have several more beers.

"He probably cut out early to make sure Jay was ok." Burgess mused before asking. "Do you have any cameras outside the front door?"

"No I'm afraid not. Never really had a need for anything out the front door." The owner shook his head. "I'm sorry I couldn't be any more help."

"You've helped a lot, it helps us with the timeline of when Mouse left. Thank you." Ruzek shook the owner's hand as the pair walked out the front door. They both look up and down the street for other cameras.

"There's one that might give us a good look, I'll text Jay." Burgess pointed to a traffic camera just down the street. She pulled out her phone to quickly shoot off the text.

Slam! Jay hung up his phone and slammed the desk. He stood up and started to pace as he pulled out his buzzing cell phone.

"What's up?" Voight comes out of his office.

"Two other members of my unit were killed in the same way in the past 6 months. Anyone else I don't have contact with or can't get ahold of them." Jay stopped his pacing and crossed his arms across his chest. "Ruzak and Burgess found a traffic camera that might show the entrance of the bar Mouse went to."

He sat back at his computer and worked quickly to pull the camera up. The angle made it difficult to see detail but they could clearly see Mouse leave the bar with his cell phone in his hand. Without a car, Jay knew he would be calling an Uber or cab driver. They watched a car pull up and Mouse approached it before backing slowly away. Suddenly Mouse crumpled to the ground before a large man jumped out of the car and shoved Mouse into the back seat before speeding away. The car had no licence plate. Jay slammed his hand on the desk again and looked up at Voight.

"You do not leave this district for anything until we get to the bottom of this, you hear me?" Voight grasped Jay's shoulder to make his point. "I will lock you up if I have to."

Jay looked for a moment like he wanted to argue but one look at Voights face and he nodded with a sigh. 

Mouse ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now