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The team's parked in various places on Jay's street. Upton and Burgess sat across the street from the front door. Voight was down the street in another car. Three unmarked cars with undercover police and several observed the street. Jay, Atwater and Ruzek found a spot in front of the building next door. They got out of the truck and quickly went into Jay's apartment building.

"You must be feeling pretty special with all these eyes on this packing run." Ruzek smirked as they walked down the hall towards his apartment. Before going in they drew their weapons. With a nod Atwater led followed by Halstead and Ruzek in behind. They quickly cleared the small apartment. Jay holstered his weapon when they finished searching.

"I half expected to find this dude in a closet." Atwater kept his weapon accessible as he looked around the apartment. "I can't believe you've never had us here for beers."

"That's because we're always going out to Molly's," Jay called from the bedroom. He already had his bag out and was throwing clothes into it. He opened his closet to grab a jacket but realized something was off.

"Guys...." Jay moved the door farther open and pushed his clothes to the side. "My military dress uniform is missing. Someone has been in my apartment."

"Hurry up Jay, let's get out of here." Ruzek stood in the doorway of the bedroom, weapon held by his leg. "This guy probably has something rigged to let him know when you come here. Or bugged the place."

Jay nodded and threw the strap of his bag over his shoulder before pulling his gun again. They quickly left the apartment and headed back down to the street. The three exited the building and started heading back to the truck. Suddenly there was an explosion behind them down the street. The three spun with their weapons ready. A van was on fire, the doors flew off into the street. Cars on the road were slamming on the brakes and into each other. One by one Ruzek, Halstead and finally Atwater dropped to the ground with tranquilizer darts sticking out of their torso. Hailey jumped out of the car as a large man jumped out of a navy van parked in the alley between the buildings, picked Jay up and threw him in the back of the truck. She ran across the street dodging cars as the van started to pull away down the alley with Burgess not far behind. As she entered the alley another smaller explosion threw her back from a bomb in a garbage dumpster. She landed hard, hitting her head as chaos continued around them and the van rolled away.

Burgess ran up to Hailey as Voight made it to Ruzek and Atwater. Two darts were sticking out of Atwater's shoulder and Voight quickly pulled them all out. He rolled them both onto their backs and gently slapped their faces.

"Hailey, are you ok?" Burgess dropped to her knees and grabbed Hailey's face. Hailey's nose was bleeding and she winced and found blood when she touched the back of her head.

"He took Jay! We've gotta go! Come on, get the car!" Hailey tried to sit up but Kim pushed her gently back down.

"You are going to get looked at in the hospital Hailey. You've hit your head hard. Voight is calling Platt to follow the trackers.

"I'm fine. We need to go after them." Hailey tried to sit up again but lay back again with a groan.

The blue van pulled into a gravel empty lot and parked next to a black crossover. The man parked and dragged Jay out onto the ground. He grabbed a syringe from the passenger seat of the crossover and jabbed it into Jay's thigh. He pulled a metal detector wand out of the van and waved it over the unconscious man and it started to beep. The man shook his head and slid Jay's shirt over his head.

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