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Upton and Atwater parked in front of a large home in a nice subdivision. They got out of Kevin's car and walked up the stone pathway. An American Flag was flying on the front pillars of the house. They climbed the stairs and knocked on the front door. A nicely dressed black woman answered the door. She had tear streaks down her face and a tissue in her hand.

"I'm so sorry to bother you in this difficult time." Hailey said apologetically. "I'm Detective Upton and this is Officer Atwater and we are with Chicago PD. Could we please come inside and ask you a few questions about your husband?"

The woman nodded and opened the door further to let them inside. They walked through the immaculate home to a formal living room. The woman sat on one of the couches so Atwater and Upton sat across from her.

"Can you tell us a little bit about your husband? We know he's in the military, how long has he been home for?" Upton smiled sympathetically.

"James has been home for a month. He was just away for deployment for 6 months. Since he became a Sergeant he still goes into the base several times a week." The widow dabbed at her eyes with the tissue. "He left for base last Monday in his car and never made it to work. They found his car at the coffee shop down the road he always stops at."

"Did James have anyone who might try to hurt him? Anyone he wasn't getting along with?" Atwater inquired the grieving widow.

"No, everyone loved him. He works hard, he's not home long enough to have issues with anyone." Isabel said with a sigh. "I don't know who could do this to someone who has spent their entire life fighting for this country."

"Have you noticed anything odd before he went missing? Has he commented on anyone following him or anything?" Upton leaned forward slightly.

"No, he never mentioned anything like that." Isabel shook her head. With that the officers thanked her for her time and gave her a card before leaving the home.

Everyone gathered back at the district to share all the information they had gained. Halstead stood and crossed his arms over his chest, clearly emotional and angry over the news. He shared the pod video he had found and the news that others had been killed or missing as well.

"Well this goes beyond our jurisdiction. I need to call my contact with the Feds. It's looking more and more like a serial killer targeting your old unit Jay. Reach out to your CI's. Jay, do you have any contacts still in the military you could reach out to? Start reaching out to the other victims' families to see if we can find some common denominator." Everyone rushed into motion on the phones and computers. Hailey squeezed Jay's arm before going to her desk. Jay put more pictures and names up on the board of his old unit full of anger. 

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