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Prompt:Calum is looking for Ashton and finds him doing something werid😂😂😂(it'll make better since when you read pinky promise)
3rd persons P.O.V

Calum walked down the stairs looking for Ashton.he found him in the living hanging upside down off the couch.

Calum steps into the room."I would ask you what your doing but I'm kinda scared to."

Ashton giggled so hard he feel the rest of the way off the couch.Calum bent down."Are you okay?"he asked with amusement clear in his voice.

"No stop laughing."He pouted and rolled around in the floor like a dieing whale.

"What the hell are you doing Ashton?"
Calum asked trying to stop laughing at his idiotic boyfriend.

"I'm being a whale."Ashton said seriously.

"Yea okay."Calum said. "Wanna watch a movie or something?

"Yea lets watch Mean Girls because why not?"Ashton said getting back on the couch and waiting for Calum to come cuddle him.

Calum sat down after he put the movie into the DVD player.Calum signed softly.

Cuddling into Ashton,but he noticed that Ashton kept moving around so he pulled him onto his lap.

Ashton smiled softly and leaned back into his boyfriend glad to have him.
This was vv stupid sorry😂

There will be a better update
So yea😂
-Stay Beautiful!-

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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