
953 41 17

[Alec Lightwood]

I felt a soft touch caressing my
hand when I finally gained conscious.

My head was throbbing and when I tried to open my eyes, I couldn't see anything besides a unpleasant light.

Shit, did I die?

Fucking hell, Alec! You weren't supposed to fucking die!

I tried to move my arms, but nothing happened. I couldn't even move move my toes or feel my own fingers.

I wanted to scream.

Scream for someone to come and
save me, save me from this hell that I had been thrown into.

- Alec, you need to wake up

The sound of a voice rang through my head, almost like a melody.

- Please

The voice kept echoing, begging me for wake up.

I tried to open my eyes again and this time I could distinguish the light and faint contours of someones face.

- Magnus? I stuttered, my voice not being louder than a faint whisper

The person came closer to me and when I finally could see who it was, I couldn't believe it.

- Izzy?

- Oh god, Alec! You're okay! She cried and threw her arms around my neck, squeezing me with all her strength

I tried to hug her back, but I still couldn't move my own body.

Someone had put chain-likely-objects over my body to keep me from leaving the bed or even moving the slightest.

I guess that they're afraid that I'll try
to escape again, or kill myself.

- Izzy, what are you doing here? I asked as I felt how tears streamed down my cold and pale cheeks

- When they called mother and said that you were hurt, they asked if we wanted to see you. They said that it could be the last time. Alec, what the hell were you thinking?!?

Izzy's voice was filled with so much pain that it physically hurt.

I have never seen her this upset.

- I don't know, I'm sorry

- Why did you try to kill yourself?

- I didn't try to kill myself. I just had to get out of the cell. Izzy, I don't want to die. You have to believe me, I said, almost pleading

- Then why are you acting like you
want to die? Alec, you slit open your own wrist!

She looked at me red eyes and from
the look of it, she has lost a lot of weight since I last saw her.

- I had to see another prisoner. I had
to ask her something, that's why I did what I did, I said

- What was so important that you almost died?!?

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