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[Alec Lightwood]

It's been exactly 5 days, 11 hours and 32 seconds since Magnus kissed me for the first time.

The problem is, I haven't seen him
at all since that night.

The truth is, no one has.

Rumours are going around, saying that he finally snapped and killed himself, but that can't be true.

It just can't.

I wanted to talk to Clary again, to see if she knows anything, but she hasn't been around either.

Now when I think about it, I haven't seen anyone from Ward C in days.

- Alec, are you okay? You've been quiet for a while now

It was breakfast time and Simon
and I sat at our ordinary table.

He's been talking nonstop about some movie he used to watch before he got stuck here, but I didn't listen.

- I'm fine, I muttered

- Dude, don't believe what everyone
is saying about Magnus. I'm sure
that he's fine, Simon said

- Aren't you worried? No one has
seen Clary either. What if the guards have killed them all?

- They wouldn't just kill all the prisoners in Ward C. It would bring too much attention to this place. Besides, I'm not worried. Clary can take care of herself, Simon answered

- Maybe you're right, I whispered

When breakfast was over, all the prisoners were forced outside.

Like always, the wether was testing my patience and I was starting to get damn tired of the never ending rain.

Another thing that annoyed me was that Jace hasn't visited me in weeks.

I know that he might be busy with police stuff and all, but come on!
I'm his brother and he did kinda put me here! The least thing he can do is make sure that I'm still alive.

- Lightwood, look! Simon suddenly said and pointed towards the fence

I snapped my head in the direction of the electrified fence, hoping to see the familiar face of Magnus Bane, but no.

However, on the other side of the fence could a certain red headed girl be seen sneaking around.

- It's Clary, Simon said

- Fuck, I need to talk to her, I said

I quickly made my way over to the fence that separated the yards and when I reached it, Clary had already spotted me.

- Well hello there, Lightwood. Long time no see, Clary said and smirked

- Where's Magnus?

- I'm fine, thank you for wondering. I've been a little tired lately though, but I'm getting better

- Shut up, where's Magnus? I'm not asking you again, I said and looked
at her with angry eyes

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