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[Alec Lightwood]

- Magnus Bane? You ran into
Magnus Bane? THE Magnus Bane?

Simon's voice was loud and filled with a mix of surprise and worry.

- Yes, you idiot. How many
Magnus Bane do you think there is
in this prison? I asked and looked at my rather retarded roommate

- Dude, not cool. Whatever, what
was he like? Magnus? Did he try to kill you or something?

- He didn't exactly try to kill me, but he did say that one of the voices inside his head wanted to, and I quote, "brutally murder me"

- Shit, Simon muttered and looked
at me with wide eyes

- I'm just happy that one of the guards grabbed him before he could tear my whole body apart, I said and sat down on the bed that was mine

- Dude, he would have destroyed you and not in the good way

- What do you mean with that? I asked and threw a wifi glance over at my roommate

- You're gay, right? Simon asked

- What? No! I said and felt rather embarrassed when my voice reached a whole new level of high-pitch

- You can't fool me, Lightwood. I heard you talking in your sleep about some dude you had a crush on

- You can't tell anyone, you hear
me? I'll kill you, I said angrily and felt how my heart started beating faster

- No one here cares if you're gay or straight. It's not that kind of a prison. Besides, you're not the only person here who's gay, Simon said

- You're gay too?

- Dude, no. I'm straight, but for example, Ailine Penhallow, one of the guards, she's 100% gay

- How do you know that? I asked

- I caught her making out with Helen Blackthorn, one of the female prisoners in Ward B, Simon said and flashed me a quick smirk

- What is she in for?

- Helen? I'm not really sure. Some people say that she's a drug dealer, but I don't know if that's true or not

- Okay, I answered

The conversation between the two of us died down and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of thunder, fading away.

- It seems like the weather is getting much better better, Simon said

- I just hope they have Ward C
under control, I muttered

- Why? Don't feel like running into Magnus Bane again?

-  No, I answered, knowing damn
well that it was a lie

When I ran into Magnus Bane, something inside me changed and this place didn't feel as awful as it first did.

I know it sounds absolutely crazy, that I find a dangerous prisoner like Magnus Bane so incredibly interesting, but there is something special about him.

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