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[Alec Lightwood]

~ 5 years later ~

It felt weird leaving the building behind, seeing how it disappeared in the distance from the car window.

It all happened so fast.

When I had talked to Jace about what I thought was going on inside the prison walls all those years ago, Jace immediately got to work and surprisingly, it only took him about 24 hours to prove that the rumours were true.

Jace's along with a few of his
colleagues discovery sent 5 guards to prison, including Victor Aldertree and Lorenzo Rey.

As I had feared, Magnus was their biggest target, leaving him shattered and broken.

Thankfully, Magnus was sent to a psychiatry a few states from here. I'm not sure where he ended up, but I
know that he's getting the treatment that he needs and deserves.

When Magnus was gone and safe,
Jace insisted that we would bring up the Heidi McKenzie case again, to prove me innocent once and for all.

He knew deep down that I would
never kill someone and that I only had taken the blame for a murder I didn't commit because I thought it was the right thing to do.

3 months later, the judge declared me free from any prosecutions of the murder of Heidi McKenzie.

After the trail, my verdict was once again 5 years in prison and since I wasn't marked as a dangerous prisoner anymore, I was back in ward a.

I was back with Simon.

From there, the years went fast. Jace and Izzy visited me as much as they could and were allowed to. Hell, even our father visited every now and then, leaving me surprised every time.

Most of the time we laughed and talked about old memories that we shared together, but there was times when they visited that we talked about mother. We all missed her so much, but we knew that she was up there, watching us with a smile on her lips.

She was with Max now.

As I said, 5 years went fast and when it was time to be free, I barley could believe it.

-Are you okay? Izzy asked, taking my hand in one of hers, keeping the other one on the steering wheel.

Izzy was the one to who picked me up when I was released. Jace wanted to come with her, but he had work to do.

-It feels a little weird, you know. I was in there for 5 years, practically throwing away my life and now I'm free. What am I supposed to do now? I asked and looked at my little sister.
-You should enjoy it. Enjoy being free. When you have done that, I'll help you get up on your feet and start over, Izzy answered and gave me a quick smile before turning back to the road.
-Yeah, you're right

We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company, like we had done before I was sent to prison. It felt weird since we haven't been able to be in the same room for so many years, but it also felt amazing. I loved my sister and I always will.

-Alec, I have to tell you something, Izzy suddenly said, making me look at her with questioning eyes.
-What is it? I asked, feeling how my heart started beating faster. I was terrified that it would be something bad. Our family wouldn't be able to handle more had things. Not now. Not when I'm finally home.
-Since you haven't been available, I've been getting a few letters that were supposed to be for you. A few days ago, I got a letter from San Jose. It was from a psychiatry, Magnus psychiatry

My heart stopped beating.

This couldn't be good, I just knew it.

-What did it say? I asked, afraid of what the answer would be.
-It's in the glove compartment. I didn't feel right to open it, Izzy answered.

I nodded my head and with trembling fingers, I opened the glove compartment, picking up the small envelope.

I carefully opened it and when the all too familiar handwriting appeared, I couldn't help but let out a sob. It was Magnus's handwriting.

Dear, Alexander.
I know I have caused you a lot of pain, both mentally and physically and for that I am truly sorry. Words can never help you heal, but I want you to know that I'm getting better day by day. They found me a very good doctor here and refuses to give up and I'm so thankful for that. The voices are still with me sometimes, but I have learnt to ignore them. The only voice I can't ignore however is yours. I miss you, Alexander Lightwood. I miss you so much. You gave me hope, you still do. I don't know for how long I'll be here, but I hope we'll meet again. I really do.

Yours, Magnus

Tears were streaming down my face when I finished the letter. Magnus was safe, he was okay and now I just knew that we would meet again.

-Is everything okay? Izzy asked. I haven't even noticed that she had stopped the car on the driveway to our home. She was looking at me with worried eyes, but I could only smile back in return. Smile back through the tears, the tears of joy.
-Everything's perfect, Izzy

[The end]

Or is it...?😉

Hi guys! Omg, I can't believe this was the last chapter🥺🥺 I just want to thank you all so much for supporting me through out this book! You guys are the best and I love you all!❤️ THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

⛔️⛔️NEW UPDATE⛔️⛔️
Hi guys! If you want some more Malec, check out my new book Purple Hearts that is based off the new movie which I LOVE! It will be quiet similar to the movie but have its own twist to it! It would mean the world to me if you guys could check it out and comment what you think about it!
⛔️⛔️NEW UPDATE⛔️⛔️

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