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[Magnus Bane]

⛔️Possibly trigger warning⛔️

His hands were cold against my naked chest, sending chives down my spine. This wasn't the first time he had sneaked into my cell after midnight, tearing the overall off my body and entering me without warning, without preparation. It hurt the first couple of times, but by now, I was used to the pain. I was used to the stinging sensation of his cock tearing me open. I didn't even cry anymore. It wasn't worth it. My tears wouldn't make him stop, quiet the opposite. He liked it when I cried, it made him go faster.

-God, you're so tight, he muttered in my ear, letting out quiet, deep moans.

I knew better than answering him. After all, he really didn't like it when I talked. It made him upset.

Gripping my hair, he continued pushing his cock deeper into me, making me bite my lip to keep myself from screaming.

I did scream once and it earned me a round of merciless beating. I'm not doing that mistake again. Never.

A few thrusts later and he came inside me, moaning loudly into my ear.

When he had finished, he got off me and laughed, not taking his eyes off my naked and bruised body.
-You know that you deserve this, right? You're worthless, Magnus. Nothing more than a punching bag and a body to fuck, he said, still laughing.

I knew he was right. I was worthless.

Without saying a word, he left. Left me naked and alone on the floor in my cold and dark cell. I still wasn't crying.

You deserve this, you know you do. You're disgusting. Not even you're mother wanted you. She rather killed herself raising you.

-No, I muttered, trying to cover my ears to keep the voices out.

You know I'm right, Magnus. No one wants you. No one.

-That's not true! I whispered, feeling the all too familiar pain in my heart.

Not even that Lightwood boy wants you. He's scared of you. Disgusted by you.

-SHUT UP! I screamed, hearing how my own voice broke.

My head was spinning and the voices made me feel dizzy, almost like I was going to throw up. They couldn't be right, they couldn't. Alexander wasn't scared of me, he just can't be.

Pushing myself off the cold ground, I walked over to my overall and put it back on. I hated my ugly body and refused to look at it, especially not after what he had done to me.

Especially not after Lorenzo Rey had raped me once again.

~ The next morning ~

I was being harshly dragged through the dark corridors of ward c by Hodge Starkweather. Hodge's usually stationed in ward a, but not today.

Maybe he changed ward so he can rape you too. Maybe they will take turns hurting you while the other one laughs.

Closing my eyes, I tried to keep the voices away, not letting them get to me. Not today. I was too weak.

As I opened my eyes again, I realised that Hodge had brought me to the main hall along with a few other prisoners and it wasn't until my eyes caught Alexander's that I felt how my whole body relaxed.

-I'll pick you up in an hour. Don't do anything stupid or you'll be punished, Hodge said before he left

Flinching by his words, I closed my eyes and took one last deep breathe before I started walking towards where Alexander sat alone.

-Alexander, it's nice to see you again, I said and smiled at the man in front of me. I refused to show him the pain I was feeling, the horrible pain that was eating me up from the inside.
-Hi, how are you? Alec asked and flashed me a small smile as a sat down on the opposite side of him.
-Fine, I said, trying my best to not let my guard down. He couldn't know about what they were doing to me, he just couldn't. It would only make everything worse.

It's not like he would care if he would find out. He would probably laugh at you, say that you deserve it.

Gritting my teeth, I tried to stay
strong, to not let the voices win.

-Magnus, are you sure you're okay? Have something happened? Did the guards do something to you?

Alexander's voice was filled with worry and when I didn't answer him, he took my cold hand in his, making me flinch. I didn't want him to touch me, I didn't want anyone to touch me. Not after what Lorenzo has put me through.

-Magnus, talk to me, Alec begged, not taking his eyes off me.

Tell him.

Tell him about the rape and how you deserve it.

You're pathetic.

Kill yourself already.

-I deserve it, I muttered, not thinking clear. The worried look on Alec's face turned into confusion.
-What do you mean? What did you deserve? Alexander asked 

Tell him.

Tell him.


-I can't tell you. I'm sorry. They'll hurt me if I tell you, I whispered, not facing the man in front of me.


-Who will hurt you? The guards? Alexander asked, refusing to change the subject. Instead of answering, I stood up and walked away, away from the only person who cares about me.

-Magnus, wait! Alexander called from behind me.

Alec was fast and came after me, grabbing my hand and making me stop. Looking at him, tears were starting making their way down my pale cheeks.
-Magnus, what's going on? Tell me, please, Alec pleaded, making my heart beat even faster
-I can't, I whispered

I could see how Alec was just about to answer me when Victor Aldertree walked in between us, making Alec drop my hand.
-You're times up, Lightwood. Get back in your cell, now, Aldertree said with a stern voice.

He wasn't even looking at me.

-Give me more time, please, Alec muttered, not taking his eyes off me. I could practically feel his eyes burn a hole in my body.
-Lightwood, now! Aldertree repeated, grabbing Alec's arm and pulling him away, away from me.

I had to tell him, I just knew I had to, but it would probably cost me my life.

[To be continued....]

Hi guys! I'm sorry for all the pain I'm causing you...😅 Hope you still like this book! Love you all!

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