
599 28 14

[Alec Lightwood]

The rain was falling from the sky, soaking me from top to toe. If you listened closely, you could hear the faint sound of thunder in the distance, signalling that the wether's only getting worse.

It was about lunch time and I was all alone outside in the yard, except for the two guards keeping me company of course. It's been a few days since my escape plan and my wrist had finally started to heal. It still hurt when I touched it, but the paramedics made sure to change the bandage every now and then.

I was tired. No, not just tired. I was completely exhausted. This place was starting to get to me and for the first time since I arrived at this hell hole, I have started having nightmares. Nightmares of my family abandoning me, screaming at me that I'm a monster, that I deserve to die.

They're probably right though.

God, I miss them so much. No one has visited me since Izzy stopped by the night of my accident, and no one probably will.

I let out a loud sigh, feeling the last piece of hope leaving my body. This was it, I was all alone. I can't believe that I'm saying this, but I actually it's sharing cell with Simon, at least that was better than being alone. I have seen Simon a few times on the other side of the fence, but every time that I have tried to talk to him, he walks away. I don't blame him though. He probably believes that I was the one who murdered Heidi, that's what everyone believes now.

-Lightwood, back to your cell! One of the guards suddenly said, causing me to get out of my trance
- Okay, I muttered, not even trying to argue with the guards anymore

We left the yard and started walking back to my cell when suddenly another guard walked up to us. He whispered something in the ear of the guard who escorted me and then he left. Without saying a word, the guard kept escorting me down the dark corridors, but in a completely different way from where my cell was.

-Where are we going? I asked, knowing that I probably wouldn't even get an answer to my question
-I have orders to take you to the main hall, it seems like you're going to meet the other misfits, the guard answered

I was chocked. I haven't seen any of the other prisoners in so long and I couldn't believe that they would let us meet again.

-To see if you still try to kill each other or if we can start having you all out in the yard again, the guard said, his voice filled with so much boredom that I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

I only nodded my head, trying to keep up with his long step. The main hall wasn't too far and when we arrived, I could see Clary and Raphael sitting beside each other around one of the few tables. I looked over at the guard and when he nodded, I walked over to the two prisoners.

-Lightwood! You're still alive, you son of a bitch, Clary said with a loud voice, causing me to look around if she caught anyones attention
-Lucky you, I muttered
-Never took you for someone with escape plans, Raphael said and gave me on of his famous smirks
-It wasn't much of a plan, I answered, not really in the mood for talking about my stupid attempt to escape

I looked around the room, searching for the only person that I really wanted to be with, but Magnus was nowhere to be seen. They probably don't trust him in the company of others yet.

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