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[Alec Lightwood]

- Hello, Alexander

Magnus's voice was hoarse, like he had been screaming for hours.

- How are you feeling? I asked

- Like I've been hit by an airplane. Everything fucking hurts, Magnus muttered and sighed

Seeing him like this, all vulnerable,
it was heartbreaking.

The usually cocky and dominant Magnus Bane that spread fear wherever he went was replaced by a wounded soul.

- Where's the bruises from? Did the guards hit you? I asked, afraid what the answer would be

- No, they're only allowed to use violence against us prisoners if it is a life threatening situation

- Then where are them from? Did
you do this to yourself?

- They told me to do it. They said
that I deserve the pain, Magnus said

- Who said that? The voices? I asked

- They want me to kill you, you
know. They're scared of you. They think that you save me from them

- And what do you think? Do you think I can save you? I answered

- I don't need saving

Before I could react, Magnus stood
up from the floor and walked over to where Heidi stood.

- Magnus, I started

- Why did you bring him here? Magnus asked as he walked closer to
Heidi who started to look terrified

- I thought you wanted me to, she answered

- No, you brought him here to turn him against me. You brought him here so he can see what a monster I am! Magnus said with a raised voice

- That's not true! Magnus, you know that I care about you, Heidi started, but she didn't get to finish

Magnus grabbed her by her throat and before she had the chance to
even gasp for air, Magnus threw her on the ground.

Terrified, I ran over to Heidi, making sure that she was still alive.

I was afraid that the hard fall had cracked her skull open, and I was completely right.

She was bleeding heavily.

- Fucking shit, Magnus what the hell have you done? I whispered as I tried to find Heidi's pulse

- You need to leave! Now! Magnus said with a raised voice

- Or what? Are you going to do the same thing to me? I asked, angry because I knew this wasn't Magnus

Deep down, he's a caring and kind person who just wants to be loved.

- Yes

- This isn't you, Magnus. You need
to snap out of it, okay? Please, I said and looked at him with pleasing eyes

- You don't know anything! I've been punched! Electrified! Left to starve! This is me! Magnus screamed

The loud noise of his voice echoed through Ward C and before I knew
it, four guards came running.

They all stopped when they saw
Heidi laying lifeless beside me.

- Send after an ambulance, one of
the guards muttered

Another one nodded and ran away, probably already dialling 911.

- Lightwood, step way from Ms. McKeenzie and return to your cell, the guard I recognised as Hodge Starkweather said with a stern voice

I nodded and stood up from where I sat beside the still lifeless Heidi.

The blood was pouring out from her head and her face had become pale.

Before I left, I took one last look at Magnus who hadn't said a thing.

He looked more broken then ever.

He had tears streaming down his cheeks but the darkness hadn't left his eyes, meaning that the voices in his head still had control over him.

- Oh Magnus, what have you done? I muttered, returning to my own cell

[To be continued...]

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