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[Alec Lightwood]

-Something's wrong

Clary's voice was different than usual, almost like she was scared. The two of us were sitting beside each other in the main hall. I wasn't one hundred percent comfortable in her presence, but it much better than being alone. I was done with being alone.

-What do you mean? I asked, facing the redhead beside me. Clary was looking frantically around the room, like she was looking for something special, or someone special.
-It's too calm in here, all too calm
-Isn't that good? I questioned, not
quiet understanding what she meant.
-No, it's not good. It's too calm, too quiet. Even the angels are quiet and they're never quiet, Clary answered as she kept looking around the room.

I had almost forgotten about why Clary was being a prisoner here, but having her talk about the angels made me realise that she's not very different from Magnus, just much more annoying.

-What do you think's going on?
-I'm not sure, but I know it's bad. Like
I said, the angels are never quiet. This much be the calm before the storm, Clary answered, facing me for the first time since she started speaking. Her eyes were glossy, like she was about to cry, making my heart beat faster.

Something was very wrong.

-Clary, I need you to focus, okay? If you know something, you need to tell me about it. Do you understand? I asked
-I need to talk to them, I need to hear them again. I need to hear their voices, Clary said and before I knew it, she started clawing her arms with her nails, making blood appear from her already scarred skin.
-Clary, stop! I called, quickly standing up from where I was sitting. I tried to grab her arms, but she pushed me away. I had never seen her like this before, this manic, but it terrified me.
-I have to do this! I have to talk to them! The angels know the answer! Clary screamed as she continued clawing her skin, making what looked like runes.

Two guards appeared out of nowhere and grabbed each of her arms, stopping her from possibly killing herself. Clary screamed at them, calling them names and trying to launch at them, but she failed miserably. She was a lot smaller than the guards after all.

As the two guards are escorting Clary out of the main hall, she turned around one last time and looked me directly into my eyes.
-It's Magnus! They're doing something bad to Magnus! You have to save him!

Her scream echoed through my head
as they carried her away, making me dizzy. I knew that something was wrong, I could feel it too, but I had hoped that the rumours weren't true.

The guards can't be hurting Magnus, they just can't.

I had to get answers and I knew
exactly how I would get them. Determined, I walked over to one of the guards I quiet didn't recognised, making him turn around and look at me.
-And you want? He asked, practically rolling his dark eyes at me
-I want to make a phone call, I said
-A phone call? Go fuck yourself!
-Each prisoners requires one phone call a month and I haven't called anyone since I got here, so yes, I want to make a phone call, I answered.

My voice was filled with confident, but I was terrified on the inside. I knew that standing up to one of the guards can send you immediately to the pit and I'm not very found of spending a whole week in complete darkness.

-Fine, you get your stupid phone call, the guard muttered.

He grabbed one of my arms and started pulling me towards the door and continued out in the dark corridors. After what felt like hours, we reached a small room without windows and a heavy lock on the door and the only thing that was inside was a phone stuck to the wall.

-You get ten minutes, speak past that and you'll spend the night in the pit. I'm not fucking around, the guard said as he took one last look at me and left.

I quickly walked over to the phone and dialled on of the two numbers I know by heart.

Jace's number.


A few signals passed before I finally could hear my brothers voice and that almost made me cry of joy.

I had missed his voice more than I would like to admit.

-Hi, Jace. Missed me? I asked and smiled to myself, feeling warm in my whole body
-Oh my god, Alec? How are you? Did they let you call? Jace asked, voice surprised but filled with happiness
-I'm fine and yes I kinda forced one of the guards to let me call you. Jace, I need your help, I said, feeling how my heart starting beating faster in my chest.
-What's going on?
-I need you to check out this place, like really check it out. Rumours are spreading, rumours that the guards are hurting some of the prisoners, raping them, I answered.

Just the thought of the word rape made me sick to my stomach. It had almost happened to my baby sister and even if I hated pretty much every prisoner here, no one deserves to go trough that kind of trauma and pain.

-Are you sure about this rumour, Alec? Jace asked after a few seconds of
taking in what I just had said.
-I'm sure. Please, trust me on this. Something really bad is happening in here to some of the prisoners
-Okay, I'll talk with a few of my colleagues, see if we can find anything that doesn't seem right
-Thank you so much, Jace. Like it or not, but lives might actually depend on it, I answered

With that, I only had one person on my mind. Magnus. If he was one of the prisoners that the guards are abusing and sexually harassing, then Jace is the only person who can prove the guards guilty and save Magnus's life.

I just know he won't survive this if we don't help him now.

I just know it.

[To be continued....]

Hi guys! Only one chapter left😅 What do you think will happen? Thank you all so much for supporting me through out this book! It means the world to me! You guys are the best❤️

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