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[Alec Lightwood]

I was surprised when Heidi
McKenzie was the one to let me out
of the cell I shared with Simon.

The clock was 11:50 and in exactly
10 minutes, I was supposed to meet Magnus Bane out in the yard.

- Are you going to tell me why you're helping me? I asked as Heidi locked the cell door behind us

- No, what's the fun in that? Heidi answered and flashed me a smirk

- You tell me, I muttered

The two of us walked down the dark corridors of the prison and when we finally reached the yard, Heidi turned around and faced me.

- You can't tell anyone about this, okay? I swear to god, Lightwood. I will hunt you down and kill you

Heidi's voice was suddenly ice cold and for the first time since I arrived at this hell hole, the short girl in
front of me scared the shit out of me.

- I promise, I answered

She nodded and seconds later, she disappeared into the shadows.

- You got this, Alec. You're not going to die tonight, I muttered to myself

I took one last look into the
darkness where Heidi disappeared and when I had assured myself that she wasn't coming back anytime soon, I turned around and started to walk towards the electrified fence.

When I arrived, Magnus was
nowhere to be seen.

The other side of the fence stood empty and when I looked closely, not a damn light was on in Ward C.

- I'm such a fucking idiot, I muttered and turned around, only to be faced by two golden eyes

- Hello, Alexander

In front of me, on my side of the fence, stood Magnus Bane.

He was wearing the black overall
that all prisoners in Ward C wears and his raven hair was messy.

- How did you get on this side? I asked, my voice was slightly shaking

- My dear friend, Heidi McKenzie, owed me a favor, Magnus answered and a smirk grew on his perfect lips

- She's a friend of yours?

- Everyone's a friend of mine when they're terrified, especially when you hold a knife against their throat

- Where did you get the knife? I said and took a small step back from the man in front of me

- Why, are you scared? Magnus said as he took a step forward, making me feel his hot breath on my lips

- No, I answered

- Prove it

- How?

- Close your pretty eyes, Magnus answered and the smirk on his lips was bigger than ever

- That's not going to happen, I said and felt how my heart almost stopped beating in my chest

- I thought you weren't scared of me. Did you change your mind?

- I'm not scared of you

- Then do what I say and close your fucking eyes, Magnus answered

The voice inside my head told me not to do it, to take one last look at the man in front of me and run.

Far away.

But I couldn't.

Instead, I did what Magnus told me to do and closed my eyes.

- Such a good boy, Magnus muttered

Seconds passed and nothing happened, but when I suddenly felt Magnus's breath on my lips, much closer this time, it felt like the world stopped spinning.

- Do you know what you're doing to me, Lightwood? Magnus whispered

- Tell me, I breathed out, not even the slightest embarrassed about how desperate I sounded

- You're driving me insane 

- Is that good or bad?

- I don't know, you tell me, Magnus muttered and before I could react, a pair of hands were around my throat, almost chocking me

I gasped for air as I opened my eyes.

- You're so fucking hot when you're gasping for air, Magnus whispered

I should be scared.

Terrified, but I wasn't.

My heart was beating fast and I couldn't keep keep down the quiet moan that escaped my lips.

- I really do turn you on, don't I? Magnus asked and looked at me with so much powers in his eyes

I nodded my head as good as I could, still trying to get air into my lungs.

It wasn't until I started seeing stars that Magnus let go of my throat.

I fell to my knees, coughing.

- Still not scared of me? Magnus asked as he bent down to my level

- No, I answered

- Good

Before I got the chance to react, Magnus pressed his lips against mine in an aggressive kiss that left me wanting so much more.

His tongue quickly took dominance over mine and when I felt his hands in my hair, gripping tight, I couldn't help myself but moan once more.

Sadly, just as quickly as the kiss started, it ended and when I had calmed my breathing and opened my eyes, Magnus Bane was gone.

[To be continued...]

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