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[Alec Lightwood]

Heidi McKeenzie died on the way to the hospital later that night.

The doctors didn't stand a chance.

She was bleeding too much and had already lost a lot of blood before the guards even found her.

No one except for me and all of the guards knew how she died, but rumours are already going around, saying that she was murdered by one of the prisoners in Ward C.

More specific, Magnus Bane.

Simon didn't talk much since everyone found out about Heidi.

They had a special bond and even though Heidi was a little too obsessed with him, Simon found himself
falling in love with her.

He never told me about it, but he didn't have to. I saw the way he always looked at her.

Eyes filled with so much adoration and love, almost painful to watch.

Now his eyes are filled with nothing more then sadness and emptiness.

Well, kinda like mine.

Seeing Magnus like that, filled with
so much anger and hate, it was absolutely terrifying.

I can still hear how Heidi's skull cracked open in my head.

It's a sound that I don't believe I
ever will get rid of.

- What do you think will happen now? Simon suddenly asked as the two of us laid in our beds

- What do you mean?

- I'm thinking about Magnus.
They're not going to let him get out
of this without getting punished

- Do you think they're going to
throw him into the pit? I asked

- No, I think they're going to put him down. They have had enough with him, Simon answered

- Put him down? You mean, kill
him? They can't do that!

- Alec, you haven't been here as long as I have. Psychiatrists and doctors has been coming here for months, trying to help Magnus get better

- And?

- Nothing seems to help. Eventually they're going to give up and this might be it, Simon answered

- No, they have to keep trying! I
said with a slightly raised voice

- They can't keep trying for an eternity and you know that. It coast too much money to just keep failing every damn time

- Of course they're failing! The keep treating him like a monster. He'll never respond positive to that, I said and felt myself getting angry

- Maybe you're right, I don't know.
All I know is that this whole thing won't end well, Simon muttered

After that, the conversation died.

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