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[Alec Lightwood]

Trauma, a severe emotional shock and pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience.

In my case, watching Heidi McKeenzie crack her skull open.

I can't seem to forget about it.

Every time I close my eyes, I see all the blood floating from her head.

Her head that opened up like it
was made of something as fragile as paper, or even glass.

Not even the bastard who tried to rape Izzy, the guy who we beat up, ended up as wounded as Heidi did.

It was horrible.

Prison hasn't been the same since Heidi died, especially not for me.

A new rumour is going around, saying that I was accomplice on the murder of Heidi.

No one dares to meet my eyes and
the ones who aren't afraid of me wants to see me dead.

Everyone loved Heidi, both
prisoners and guards.

She was different from everyone
else, more calm and open minded.

I haven't heard anything more from Aline or Victor, but I know that the psychiatrists will arrive tomorrow and run some tests on Magnus.


Oh god.

I'm scared to even think about what will happen to Magnus if they decides that he's beyond help.

The thought of him not wandering this earth anymore makes my heart break in way I thought wasn't possible.

I want him in my life.


I NEED him in my life.

- Lightwood! You have a visitor!

Hodge's voice rang through the cell I shared with Simon and I almost shit my fucking pants.

I haven't been doing much today and since the weather is still shitty, we're allowed to stay inside.

I don't really know where Simon is, but I'm sure that he can keep
himself out of trouble.

- A visitor? Now? I asked

It was late afternoon and the last
time I checked, we're only allowed to have visitors after breakfast.

- It's your brother, Hodge answered

Hearing that Jace was here made me almost jump out of my bed.

Fucking finally.

That bastard has been ignoring me for way too long.

I followed Hodge through the long corridors and when we reached the visiting room, he left me.

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