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[Alec Lightwood]

I was sitting in the cafeteria when two guards walked up to me and told me that I had a visitor. I knew that it was Jace before I even saw him on the other side of the glass in the visiting room.

-You look like shit. What happened to you? Jace asked and looked at me
-I don't want to talk about it, I answered, not really in the mood to talk about all the times Magnus has beat me up these last couple of days
-Did the guards do this to you? I swear to god, I'll arrest them all
-It wasn't the guards, Jace. Please, I don't want to talk about it, I said
-Fine, I won't ask again. I came here to see how you're doing. I know you're angry that you can't come to the funeral, Jace said and I could see how he did his best not to cry
-I'm holding up. How are you guys doing? I asked, not wanting to talk anymore about me
-Not good. Izzy rarely leaves her room and I'm trying to keep myself together by working late nights, Jace answered and looked down at the floor
-And dad?
-He's drinking again
-That's never good, I muttered, remembering the last time dad drank

It was after he lost his job. Dad was angry at everyone and said that he got fired because everyone was jealous at him. I know that's not the truth. No, dad got fired because everyone at work feared him. Without anything to do, he started drinking. It wasn't that bad in the beginning, but it got worse. He would be wasted at 11am in the morning, screaming at us for reasons that no one of us understood. It wasn't until one day when he pushed Max down the stairs, making Max break his leg that dad knew he had to stop drinking. It was during the time Max was alive. After the accident, sad started going to AA-meetings and got completely sober after about a month. It hurt to hear that he was drinking again, mostly because I knew what he was capable of doing and saying when he's wasted.

-You're keeping an eye on him, right?
I asked, looking at my brother
-As much as I can. I'm planning to take a few weeks off from work. Just spending some time with the family, Jace answered and dragged his fingers through his blond hair
-Yeah, that sounds good

We were quiet for some time, not really knowing what to talk about. Our eyes met from time to time, but I didn't dare to hold the gaze for too long. It still felt very awkward between us. I mean, he's the reason why I'm in this place after all. He did his job and I'm not blaming him for that, but it's still a weird tension in the room.

-How's Magnus doing?

Jace's question caught me off guard, making me look at him with big eyes. Since when did he care about Magnus? Last time I checked he hates him.

-I don't know. One second it's all rainbows and fluffy clouds, the next seconds his eyes are black and he tried to kill everyone in his way, I answered, feeling my heart beating faster by just the thought of Magnus Bane
-You still think he can be saved?

I didn't answer. Honestly, I didn't know what to answer. At first, I did believe that Magnus could be saved. I thought he could get better if someone would just treat him like a person and not some freak, but I'm not that sure anymore. I want to believe that there's still good in him and the kiss earlier today makes me feel more hopeful, but I don't know. Maybe some people aren't meant to be good.

-Promise me that you'll be careful, okay? The prisoners in ward c are dangerous, not only Magnus, but all the others too. They might have convinced you that they're nice people, but they're not. Just be careful, Jace said
-I can take care of myself, Jace. You don't have to worry, I answered and gave him a small reassuring smile
-I know you can, you always can. Look, I don't want to bring your hopes up, but I might be able to jump in for one of the guards in a few days. It will only be for a couple hours, but then I'll be able to be in there with you, Jace said
-Really? I asked, feeling happy by the news that my brother just told me
-Yeah, but I can't promise anything. The chief is going to take a look at all of my papers, then he'll make a decision, but I'm hopeful, Jace said, smiling

I want just about to answer when the guards walked in, signalling that our time was our. Jace and I said our goodbyes before the guards brought me to the main hall. The room was pretty empty since most of the prisoners were still eating in the cafeteria, but one familiar face caught my attention. Magnus was sitting alone in the back. It looked like he was reading something, but I could tell what it was. He looked so peaceful. I wasn't sure that he would he allowed outside again after what happened in the yard earlier today, but it seemed like the guards were tired of babysitting him all the time. Deciding wether or not to approach him, I went with my first option and started walking towards him. I made sure to walk with heavy steps, not wanting to frightening him and when I was only a few feet away from him, Magnus looked up and our eyes met.

-Hello, Alexander

His voice was tired and the smile on his lips was so small that I barley noticed it. I had to squint my eyes to see it.

-Can I sit? I asked, pointing at the chair that was on the opposite side of the table where Magnus was sitting
-Of course

I slowly sat down on the chair, not wanting to make any quick movements and making him launch at me again.

-How are you holding up? I asked, looking at him
-You kissed me out in the yard, why?

Magnus question made me surprise. I wasn't even sure that he remembered the kiss, not after the injection that he got from one of the guards.

-I don't know, I answered
-You don't know?
-Well, I wanted to calm you down but nothing seemed to work, so I kissed you. I'm sorry if you're upset about it, I muttered, feeling sad by the thought
of him being mad that I kissed him
-I didn't upset me, quiet the opposite. I did calm me down after all, Magnus said and flashed me a small smile
-Yeah, I whispered

Magnus looked down at the table for a while, knitting his eyebrows like he
was thinking about something.

-Are you afraid of me? Magnus suddenly asked, looking me in the eyes
-Don't lie to me, Alexander. I want to know, are you afraid of me?
-Not when you're like this. I'm not afraid of you now, but when you lose control, I'm afraid. Not afraid of you, but afraid that you might hurt yourself, I answered, fighting the urge to take Magnus's hand in mine
-Why? Why do you even care so much about me? Magnus asked
-I just do
-You just do?
-Yes, I answered, not really knowing what I was supposed to say
-I wish we could escape this place, Alexander. Just you and me, Magnus said after a while of being quiet
-Where do you want to go? I asked, looking at him with a smile
-Far away from here. Somewhere warm and I want cat also
-You like cats?
-Adore them. They're not judging you like humans do, Magnus answered, playing with his fingers
-Yeah, humans are expert on judging each other, I muttered
-Are you judging me? Magnus asked as he stopped playing with his fingers and looked up at me again
-No, I would never judge you
-Why not? Everyone else do it
-I'm not like everyone else, I answered
-No, you're not like everyone else, Alexander Lightwood. You're special, Magnus said, still looking at me
-You're special too, in a good way

I could tell that Magnus was just about to answer when three guards walked up to him, telling him that it was time to return to his cell. I was prepared for a fight, but got surprised when Magnus stood up without saying a thing and letting on of the guard out him in hand cloves. He looked so small again, like he was just a kid who wanted nothing more than being happy.

-I'll see you tomorrow, Alexander. Sleep tight, Magnus said and flashed me a quick, barley viable smile
-You too, Magnus, I answered and gave him a small smile back

The guards took him away and I followed them with my eyes until I couldn't see them anymore. That's when I noticed the book Magnus had been looking at earlier. It was laying closed in front of me and I couldn't help myself but pick it up. The books cover was all black and it was missing a title which I found very strange. However, the real chock came when I opened the book and saw blank pages after blank pages with only two words written over and over again.

Help me.

[To be continued....]

Hi guys! So they finally talked! And Magnus didn't try to kill Alec!🤭 But where does the book come from and what does Magnus mean with what he wrote in it?😳

Love, M

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