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Wayzz POV

I just got back to my dorm room from the incident thst happend in the libary"Yo wayzz looks like you enjoyed your time in the libary,sooooooooo you and trixx huh?" said plagg.At first I was shocked that plagg knew what happened but I came to the conclusion that some kwamis posted the picture on Kwamigram and he probally saw it from there "We are not a thing she just fell""and you caught her"Plagg said"Plagg has a point normally you don't catch kwamis falling unless you really care about that kwami"Nooroo said"Whatever I don't have a crush on Trixx"But when I said her name I felt some thing in my stomach I was a weird feeling It's like I was about to throw up But not but I also felt quite plesant like if there where butter flys in my stomach.

Time skip to morning

I was walking to the food hall When I bumped into something I looked but there was nothing there unless there was a kwami that can turn invisible well there is one but they havent found them yet so the only way that a kwami can turn invisible is that they must be using an illusion and there is only one kwami of illusion"Trixx?""Reality"and there she was standing there and then came the butterfly feeling I don't know why I keep feeling it maybe I'll go to the libary later and find out"You still haven't changed your hair style"Trixx said . I felt my hair and It felt like it was uncombed"Shoot" I was about to turn back to my room to comb my hair when trixx grabbed my shoulder and said"Don't worry I doesn't look bad I personally think I looks better like this" I felt releaved and we started to walk to the food hall to get breakfast before we entered she quickly use her power to make her look invisible . When she got her food some of the kwamis screamed"GHOAST" a ran away , since she was invisible i looked like the food was floating in mid air we went to sit with our friends, they seemed to understand becuse trixx did this quite often when she sat down said made her self visible again and started eating her berries.after Breakfast our first class was battle class at the arena with master chou"Today class you are going to be lifting many differnt objects when you are battling with a super villian you might have to throw thing at them and that depends when and where you are sometime you even have to throw your partner or teamate so we will also be throwing each other on to that mat" We were going to be throwing each other!!!!!!!! this will be intresting"and since you are class a the best class the other classes will be observing you the one with the furthest throw will get no homework now lets start"after a few throws we were going to be throwing each other"Stop now you shall be throwing each other since kwamis have perfect bodies and weight a kwami boys will be twice as heavy as a kwami girl so when the girl kwamis are throwing the boys  ther will be 2 girl kwamis throwing the boys, you may throw puch kick or use any other tecnique to make the other go as far as they can got it?good I want tikki and pollen to throw plagg and trixx and duusuu to throw wayzz"Oh no... I know exactly what they are going to do since trixx is the best kicker in the whole academy she's probaly going to kick me,when plagg got thrown he actually went pretty far but now it was my turn.Duusuu spun me around and threw me up in the air then came the part I was dreding duusuu helped trix jump into the air and she kicked me right in the stomach luckily i'm the kwami of protection so it didn't hurt that much I landed on the mat a little further than plagg did."well done kwamis now the boys turn I want plagg to throw tikki ,Nooroo to throw Duusuu and wayzz to throw trixx""Oh i'm getting you back vixen"I said to trixx.I grabed trixxes arm an trew her as far as I could she landed right on the mat at the furthest corner."

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