Finally the evil plan

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Echo POV

Finally my package has ARRIVED!

It took so long for it to be made but I guees it's ok since is it custom made one that I speacialy ordered for this.

I opened the expensive looking box to see a Black bow with gold essense and a dimond in the middle.

Perfect it looks just like...

My miraculous.(insert evil laugh here)

Trixx POV

Today is going to be a great day I now have a loving BF and when I got back to my room yesterday I could actually sleep! Now I was in class,which class you may ask well...It's the class that my bf almost killed me in.

But this time we weren't doing any of those throwing stuff we were just pacticing our 

powers on others and I got paired with Pollen.

Pollen right now is screaming cus I made a illusion that all her makeup had run out.

Yeah anyway wayzz is paired with nooroo , tikki is with duusu and plagg...he's with master chou incase he accidentally missing the object he was going to cataclysm.

While pollen was sulking abt her makeup I was glancing at wayzz.he and nooroo were battling and by the looks of it...none of them is winning.

soon they became tired and dicided to take a break.I saw wayzz looking at me and I smiled, he smiled back. I took a glance at pollen to check up on her and yep she's still crying mascara running down her face even tho I already talled her that It was an illusion.

Wayzz POV

I looked at trixx wow she's beautiful why have I never noticed her before then I felt someone nudge me.

The turned around and saw nooroo smirkin."So are you and trixx official yet!"

"w w-what nnn-nn- nooo we aren't like that"I stammered.

"Ugh fine"He looked well disapointed.

Then finally after all our classes were over and I can finally rest.everybody and I mean everybody have been asking if me and trixx were a couple and ofcouse I said no since we dicided to keep our relationship a secret.

I swear if anybody else asks me that i'm gonna,then I felt a tapped on my shoulder"Me and TRixx are not dating OKAY!""really? I mean I thought the you asked me to be your girlfriend yesterday and tha I said yes"

I spun around seeing trixx crossing her arms "Oh im sososososossososo sooooooo sorry I'll make it up to you how abot...Ice cream ! yeah i'll buy you ice cream , wait did you just say that out loud! what If someone heard you oh n-"And I was cut of with a kiss again.

"Look you don't have to buy me anything okay?I know you were just keeping our secret safe and second there's no one in this hallway so no one heard me or saw me kiss you got it?"

I nodded.

"NOw go get ready for dinner! I have to go to the principle" with that I kissed her on the cheek and ran of

Trixx POV

After he ran of I touched my cheek and butterflys came into my stomach and smiled then continued my way to the principles office.

I don't even know why i'm going there.But When I knocked on the door and went in I saw the principle with a stern look on his face and a kwami crying."Yes mr.principle you wanted to see me?""Yes Trixx pls sit down now I don't want to waste any time here so trixx what were you doing yesterday?"

"Ummm...yesterday I had my normal classes then I headed strait to my dorm sir"

"anything else?"

"Umm...I did went out for a stroll out side at around midnight since I couldn't sleep"

"hmmm...and do you know who this kwami is?"

I looked at her and scaned all of the fetures"No sir"

"hmmm...well this is echo the bat kwami and she came to report to me that her miraculous was stolen yesterday and today we did a locker search and we found her miraculous in your locker." the principle said holding and black bow in his hands"What!? so you think I took it!"he nodded

"well I didn't I have never seen that bow in my life untill now and I don't know who she is"I said pointing and The kwami who he said her name was echo.

"well unless you have proof that you were taking a stroll outside and not inside taking another kwamis miraculous then I'm afraid you have to be expelled"

"what!?"I tried to think of how to prove my innocents then I got it.I opened my school bag which I brought with me and got out a flower

"This I think is called a mirally and it only blooms on 1 night which was yesterdays night so that means that I went for a stroll out side yesterday"

He examinded the flower and said "Very well mrs.Trixx I believe you and mrs.Echo"the bat kwami looked up and I saw crocodile tears coming out of her eys she was lying to get me expeled."if how did this get into mrs.trixxs locker and how do you explain this." he turn his computer around to see the mail history of the school and there was echos name on it with what it seems to be a bow just like her miraculous being delivered yesterday"Umm I can explain I wanted to do pigtails insted of my half down have up hair do so I ordered a replica so that I can put it on the other side so it wouldn't look weired"She said clearly lying"Well the explain this as well" he switched the screen to the surcirity cameras and saw echo putting what looks like a bow in my locker."umm.hehe"she said.BUSTED!

after that I was dismissed and that no god bat kwami got expelled!

Now my life is back to normal!

Umm if there's a text to audio thing in this chapter I don't know hoe it got there.

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