Why universe WHY?!?!?

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Trixx POV

Wayzz threw me so far i almost landed pass the mat He didn't even give me a warning he just grabed my arm and threw me I could have had a heart attack and died but I couldn't because kwamis are immortal and can't die still I could have gotten really injured ."Good throw wayzz"master chou said"Good throw? I could have ended in the hospital"I muttered.After class we had some free time I was about to go take a nap but the others had a nother idea,"Trixx!!!!!!come on we still have to organize the prom"when we turn human at kwami high if you have ears,a tail or antennas they will still appear on you,so they grabbed me by the tail and dragged me with them."So I ask master Fu where we are hosting the prom he said we are hosting it in the ball room!!!!!!!"said tikki "The ball room?!?!?"Duusuu and pollen screamed,You see no one is allowed in the ballroom exept master Fu,he said that the ballroom has many dark secrets and dangerous things so when the time is right he will let us in."yep but now we need to pick a theame"said tikki"How about medevil times?"pollen ask"Medevil time was so last century"I responded"Enchanted forest?"Duusuu said"An enchanted forest has many trees and plants what would master say?"She does have a point"Tikki backed me up"You pick then"duusuu said.I thought for a moment Then I remembered the time I drank too much coffee so i couldn't sleep in class ,master Fu said that the ballroom had a glass ceilling "How about stary night?""Hey, Thats a pretty good idea since the prom starts at 7pm i and the ballroom has a glass ceilling"So we setteled on my idea.After that we had magic class I honestly think that it is stupid I mean we already know how to controll our magic why do we even need this class,well maybe plagg needs it.So master Sai went on and on and on about some stuff i was quietly makeing a mini movie on the table with my illusion power,so at the end of the class he said we were having a pair project and one group will have 3 kwamis cus we have 7 kwamis in this class."I will now assign you to your partner or group and you may not switch with another kwami , First group tikki and plagg second group pollen ,duusuu and nooroo and lastly trixx and wayzz"said master sai.Great now i have to work with someone who almost killed me at least he can do the work.But Why? universe Why?!?!?!??! do I need to work with him??!??!!??!??!

Me and wayzz dicided to meet in my dorm to do the project becuase tikki and plagg are doing the project in his, plaggs and nooroos dorm .So i had to clean up mine and tikis dorm well i was already pretty clean thanks to tikki there where just some water bottle laying on the floor.after cleaning the door bell rang i went to let wayzz in so we can start the project.

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