11 - But It's Not Fair

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"You're really gonna stop?" Nova asked me as we sat down on the floor of the gym we've been cleaning for the past twenty minutes. The other girls of the class were also taking a break, lying down wherever they were to rest a little.

"It's not like I have a choice. You know how my mom is." My head hung low while my fingers fidgeted with themselves, a habit I had developed whenever I was to express something that was out of my control. It made me frustrated and somehow, fidgeting my fingers calmed me down a bit. "This is it Nova. It's over this time too."

"But it's just not fair, you really worked your butt off and still managed to get to the top five in the class!" It seemed like my bestfriend was more stressed with my situation than I was. All I could do to respond her was force a smile onto my face. "Will you be okay? I know it isn't just a crush anymore." She asked and I heaved a deep sigh.

She was absolutely right, this had gone way too far than the time I was crushing on my new neighbor. It's been months since this fling for Miles first started and I couldn't stop myself from falling for him either. It would've been easier to move on if we hadn't become this close or if I knew he didn't like me either. But the problem was that I knew.

I knew he liked me back.

He made sure to make it obvious for me, I had to be stupid on an astronomical scale if I couldn't notice. I wonder if he knew that I was aware of how he kept seeking attention from me all the time and how he didn't miss a chance to sit next to me if he could. I knew he made excuses just to initiate a conversation with me and how the slightest skinship made his smile grow wider. Not forgetting the time he held my hand just because he wanted to 'see whose hand was bigger' when no comparing was needed in the first place. Though these seemed platonic at first, I had my doubts cleared at what he said on the day he confronted Kate.

"Thank you." I mumbled, when we both were at the balcony looking over at the road where the car of Anna's mom drove off to.

"Are you saying thank you because I exposed Kate or because I put an end to it when you told me to?" He asked leaning forward on the handrail and looking over at me with a soft gaze that contrasted with the one he had on some minutes before.

"Both." I said. "I was shocked, to be honest, to see you get so worked up. I hadn't seen you like that before."

"I'm sorry if it scared you but I couldn't stop myself. Seeing her making fun of you like that just made my blood boil."

"...Why? Why would it make your blood boil?" Miles turned to me at the question, his lips curling upwards a little as he answered.

"Because it's you. I wasn't going to let anyone mock you and get away with it."

I felt my heart flutter at the cheesy words, looking elsewhere but at the boy, being unable to hold the eye contact for too long. I heard a chuckle escape his lips at my reaction but thankfully didn't say anything to tease me. His words echoed in my head even after I got home and laid on my bed thinking about the day, until I finally realized the real meaning of his words.


I broke away from the trance I was in when Nova violently shook me by the shoulder to get my attention on her again.

"Were you even listening to what I was saying?" She asked and face-palmed when I smiled cheekily, answering her question negatively. "I know you love daydreaming about that Miles guy but I forbid you from doing that using the time you spend with me. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay so I was saying that since you like him so much and there's a pretty good chance he likes you back just as much too, why don't you try confessing?" She suggested and my eyes went wide, not being able to imagine a scene in which I was brave enough to confess I liked Miles.

"No way Nova are you crazy? I can barely manage to ask for an extra packet of ketchup at the McDonald's, what makes you think I can confess my feelings??" I exclaimed.

"But think about it, you can forget him easily if he rejects you and ifㅡ"

"If he likes me back what am I supposed to do, date him? Mom would kill me and bury me in the backyard." Nova felt silent at my words, being unable to refute to facts. "Nova I know you're looking forward to get a hold of my phone and free food after I die but you can't possibly scheme like this to murder me."

"That does sound like something I'd totally do but I'm not that desperate. At least for now." I shoved her playfully onto the floor of the gym, both laughing at each other before being serious again.

"But seriously Summer, just go for it will you? At least ask for his number so you can keep in touch."

"You know I can't do that. But instead I canㅡ"

"Ugh you're gonna present one of your negative perspectives again." Nova threw her hands in the air, looking so done with my entire being which I thought was pretty reasonable.

"I can just be in the class and leave like any other day and forget about him no matter how much time it takes."

"You ain't gonna stop even if I tell you to right?"


I confirmed my best friend's thoughts earning another groan from her, finally getting up to resume with the cleaning of this large building with everyone else scattered here and there too. However I couldn't stop my mind from running back to the boy from the math class, wondering how I would be saying goodbye to him as I would leave from the class for the last time. All I could hope for was to forget him quickly and go on with my life, no matter how stupid and cliche it sounded.

Maybe this was all for the better...

Why are almost all my chapters either just descriptions or just dialogues? :')

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