25 - That's Not My Problem

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"Wanna get something to drink? Or would you prefer something to eat?" Miles asked as soon as we walked out of the restaurant I worked at, after the event that got canceled and postponed three weeks ago. I refused his offer with a shake of my head, putting my bag on by back properly.

"You didn't have to wait for me you know. It's kind of dark even. You could've gone home and done your work." I said out of guilt, flattered by his actions but also wondering if I was being a major burden on him.

"Well I completed my assignment from the coffee shop next door until you were done. And that reminds me, here." He handed me a box from the bag he was holding, a slice of cake inside it. "I got one for you too when I was at the shop."

I couldn't help but smile at both the sweet treat and how he got it for me to enjoy too. I thanked him and put the box carefully in my bag to eat once I was at my room since it wasn't possible to eat in the middle of the road at that moment. As always the guy walking next to me took my hand in his, something he absolutely loved to do whenever he could. I giggled and let him do whatever he wanted while we were waiting for the Uber to arrive since Miles offered to drop me home no matter how many times I said I could go alone. He had become a clingy koala after we met again, which was actually such a cute sight for me. It felt like he was trying to catch up all the times we missed in the last couple of years.

"I'm almost done saving for a car so when I get one, I can drop you off everyday. A couple of projects more and I could buy tomorrow even."

He said with the biggest smile on his face that appeared whenever he mentioned getting a car of his own with the money he made. I could tell how proud he was of himself since he was only a few steps away from a dream he had talked about with me for a few times already. While he was attending university he worked as a freelance web developer for companies and had managed to save up for a car.

Even after we got on the Uber he couldn't stop himself and went on talking while I listened to everything he had to say about his dream car, reminding me of an excited child going on about his favorite toy to his friends. However the closer our journey came to a close he became more silent and I assumed he was tired as well though he tried not to show it in front of me. Even after we got off he didn't stop until he walked me all the way to the entrance to the building.

I was surprised to see my landlady there pacing up and down impatiently. When she saw me she took a few steps forward making me understand that she had been waiting for me. Miles seemed surprised as well but didn't say anything and let the lady talk. Before she did so she glanced at the guy behind me for a moment and then at me.

"Ms. Everly I hope you got a new place to stay because I expect you and your things to be out by the end of this week."

The sentence stunned me. I quickly dug out the envelope of money I had prepared to give her today, the late rent for this month that I couldn't pay on the day I had promised to.

"I'm so sorry for being late again but it was because that event got postponed to today so I got my bonus late." I explained when the woman snatched the envelope from my hands with venomous eyes, a sign that her anger wasn't fading away. I tried again. "Can you at least give me more time to find another room or else how will I find one within a week? I had to search for a month to find this one too."

"That's not my problem. You will move out on your own or I kick you out whether you have a place to stay or not. You can choose whatever you like. Someone called looking for a room and I said I have one so you must move out within a week. Good night." She made it clear that the conversation was over, glaring at me one last time before going in and slamming the door shut.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I muttered in a low voice, getting conscious that Miles was still behind me though he hadn't said anything.

"It's okay Summer. First we should figure out where you're gonna stay." The fact that he used the word 'we' made me realize that he was going to help me out however he could though this shouldn't be one of his worries in the first place.

"I could've crashed at Nova's for a few days if she was somewhere around here but she's staying in her university hostel and our hostel is full too." The realization that I might be homeless in a few days caused my shoulders to drop down with a weight of a world.

"I have an idea. But I don't know if you'll agree." Miles' tone of voice had changed to what I assumed was nervousness and excitement, causing me to look his way and see sparkles in his eyes when he looked back at me.

"What is it? I have to settle being homeless if I can't find another room anyways." I sighed.

"You can stay with me in my apartment. Then you won't have to worry about these rents or anything. You can even stop working for now and focus on studies if you want. Just move in with me. I'm ready to take you in right now even. What do you say?"

A much deserved shout out to Meth_VJ and vidu_vish for sticking with this corny book until the end so I don't feel like a complete idiot😂❤

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