15 - Little Marmot

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[A/N : For anyone who doesn't know what a marmot is by name, I found just the thing that'll help you👆 I'm sure you've seen it before too lmao Okie byee and enjoy!!]

"HOLY COW YOU'RE GONNA MEET MILES HERE AT SCHOOL!!" Nova couldn't keep the exclaim to herself, eyes widened so much that I was kind of worried they might fall out of their sockets.

"Don't scream you little marmot!" I panicked a little but calmed down when I didn't see any teachers near where we were in the cafeteria.

"I can't help it, this is way too surreal." Thankfully she switched back to her inside voice and I kept playing with the food on my tray. "I was happy enough knowing that he was a prefect and you could at least see each other from afar but good lord, Mrs. Lopez chose you as an announcer of the event?? I've never liked that woman this much until today."

"I don't know how she even came across me to be honest."

"Maybe she remembers you from the last school fair. You had to replace one of the announcers at the last minute remember?"

My bestfriend reminded me of the incident a few months ago, in which I had to announce on the first day of the school fair because the chosen one had fallen sick the day before. Nova was the one to recommend me to the teachers in charge that time but I didn't think anyone would remember me after that.

"Anyways I'm so excited, you get to meet him again and I'll also have the chance to at least get to know what he looks like. This is awesome!"

"Shouldn't I be the one to get excited?" I laughed as I stuffed my mouth with the food, earning a playful glare from the girl before me.

"Well yeah, but you're only as good as a double dead zombie so at least I have to be the one to keep the story going." She used a weird reference that I really wanted to question but decided not to since I was kind of already familiar with her odd analogies.

~ ♡ ~

I hope it's not only in my school that the announcers of a particular event is required to be present at the front gate to welcome the guest school, even if there are other prefects to do the exact same job. I know, it's weird as heck but that was what happened.

We were waiting patiently for the prefects of Sir Frederick's to arrive while Mrs. Lopez finally got off the phone to say that the boys were almost there. Everyone stood in a line when a bus pulled over in front of the school gate, the guest school's logo displayed on the side of it. The door opened and once a few teachers got down from the vehicle, the prefects started to do the same one by one.

I really didn't know what exactly I was feeling at that moment. It was a mix of excitement and nervousness but I was definitely a bit scared too for some reason. How was I supposed to react in front of him? If, he was selected to come to the workshop that is but still, I had to be prepared for anything and the fact that I wasn't able to do so made me freak out.

I watched as the teachers from the two schools talked with each other while the boys lined up and gave all of the prefects of our school, the other presenters of the event and me a handshake as per the instructions given to them. I tried not to think too much and gave them a warm smile. One by one the line came to an end with no sign of the particular guy I was anticipating for.

Maybe he really didn't come...

"Sir do we need to take the stuff we need for the presentation now or should we do it later?"

That voice.

My eyes shot up to the direction where the voice came from and I could feel my whole body freeze at the sight of the person, his perfect side profile catching my eyes in an instant. He was talking to a male that came with them and I could faintly hear him saying it won't be necessary to take out whatever they prepared, at that moment. The guy didn't question the elder but instead followed what his friends did and gave all of us a handshake, his signature smile on his face as usual.

If there was one thing I could tell, it was that Miles had not expected me to be there in front of our school to greet him and the others. I hoped everyone else didn't suspect anything when he slowed down a bit seeing me, his happy expression slowly and slightly changing into a one of shock. Nonetheless he quickly recovered and took my stretched hand in his, giving a little squeeze to it as the smile grew even wider. I felt my cheeks getting warmer at the gesture but acted natural for the sake of not exposing myself too much in front of everyone. We both managed to keep the excitement and nervousness to ourselves for the time being without being obvious.

"Alright then gentlemen, please follow me to the main hall and you girls get ready okay?"

Mrs. Lopez announced and we nodded in unison, the other announcers and I leaving the gate towards the hall to make sure everything there was ready. I threw a glance at Miles before we went and was not surprised to see him staring back at me with a satisfied smile playing on his lips.

On our way I saw Nova waiting for me with anticipation written all over her face and I knew exactly what she was going to ask.

"Is he here?"

She didn't waste a second to question me, not wanting to stall me too much on my duty. I just smiled and it was all she needed as an answer before jumping around me in pure ecstasy. She had been waiting to hear the news ever since the event was announced and I left to go to the original place I was going to check the settings there for one last time before the event, letting my best friend's imagination run wild.

I feel like I'm progressing so much but at the same time rotting in the same place. Does that make sense? :')

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