05 - Stupid Surprise Test

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"Why can't we just be normal and not have surprise tests during the class?"

"Because, Alex, having surprise tests already is normal." Mrs. Moore looked at the whining student, handing down his test paper and moving onto me to do the same.

"Stupid people normalizing stupid things like stupid tests."

I heard Alex mutter to himself as he picked up his pen to start answering the questions. I smiled at his behaviour and looked to my other side to see Miles getting his copy of the paper too, him turning towards me to say good luck with a bright grin. I showed a thumbs up to wish him the same and focused on the questions printed on the paper.

The test wasn't that hard. Compared to the exams my school held, it was child's play. Not saying there weren't any tough problems but overall, it was super easy for me that I finished the test in one hour, exactly thirty minutes before the time was up.

"Are you already done?" The teacher asked seeing how I put away my pen and I nodded. The stares everyone else gave was enough to convince me that I was the only one to think the paper wasn't that difficult.

"Come here Summer, I can mark your test until the others are done." Mrs. Moore said gesturing to a desk at the back of the class and I got up from my seat, following her to get my paper marked. I saw how Miles continued to look at me but I paid no attention to him since the teacher was observing me like a hawk. Maybe she didn't want me to help others on the test.

I watched as the woman went through my answers one by one, putting a tick everytime I got it right. Though I was so sure I would get a perfect score considering how easy it was for me, I got three questions wrong and the worst part was that the mistakes I had made were all because I was too careless. I had double checked my answers before I said I was done but those three questions hadn't caught my eye. By the time the teacher handed my test back to me with a clear 97% circled right on top of the paper with red ink, I already knew what mom's reaction was going to be.

"Great job, ninety seven marks even after finishing thirty minutes early." Mrs. Moore said out loud causing others twist their bodies to gawk at me again.

"She got ninety seven??" Alex gasped.

"Yes she did and you guys still have ten minutes to break her record." She announced after looking at the clock to check the time. "And Summer, you can stay here while I collect others' tests after they finish."

I mumbled a faint 'okay' as she walked to the front of the class, sitting myself on the chair right next to me. I had nothing to do except just stare at here and there, taking my time to look at the tiny details of the classroom for the first time since I got here.

While my eyes were wandering around the room seemingly being aimless, they did stop at the chocolate-brown haired boy who appeared to be concentrated on solving the given math problems, scribbling things down on the paper from time to time. I didn't notice myself getting lost on the sight until he turned to the back, suddenly facing me. Judging by the sly smile that grew on his face, he had caught me staring at him before I quickly looked away. I waited a few milliseconds before looking at him again, trying to appear more natural this time, to see he hadn't yet faced the front. I could feel myself going red in the cheeks meeting his gaze but hopefully trying not to expose myself I smiled at him which he returned generously before focusing on his paper again.

"Is something wrong Miles?" The teacher asked, probably noticing how Miles turned back to the front after the small interaction with me.

"No no Mrs. Moore, everything's fine." He replied with his signature smile. All this guy does is smile but hey, I'm not complaining.

Last thirty minutes of the class was spent on checking everyone else's answers and the teacher announcing that another test will be given the upcoming week and she wanted us to prepare well for that one, considering how a couple of students hadn't done very good on this surprise test. Of course Alex didn't forget to groan at the news but as always, Mrs. Moore didn't care at all. She dismissed the class and collected her teaching material to downstairs to the office and go home afterwards. We gathered on the balcony waiting for our parents to arrive.

"Congratulations on getting ninety seven marks, that's seriously cool." Anna chirped from beside me suddenly, causing me to jump a little from surprise.

"Umm thanks?" I smiled awkwardly at my own answer that sounded more like a question, trying to silently figure out if it was normal for someone I haven't talked more than twenty words to suddenly become chatty like this.

"I mean, I couldn't even finish the paper and you had half an hour to-"

"Anna your mom is here to pick us up. Let's go." Kate butted in before her friend could finish what she was saying and they both rushed downstairs to get into a black car that I assumed was Anna's mother's.

"Miles we're off. See you next week." Charles and Alex shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I hadn't seen them go because of the awkward situation I was in moments ago and thinking about that again made me not notice how Miles had come to stand beside me with his eyes fixed on the phone screen, probably trying to get in touch with an Uber driver as always. I looked around to see that once again we were the only ones left.

Well well well, isn't this a good situation to be in...

Well well well, isn't it an update from me again.

I'm sorry I dunno what to put as the author's notes but I didn't want to leave it blank😂

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