21 - Sister Snitch

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[Miles' POV]

"So the girl you always blabbed about was her?" My sister slipped into my room before I could close the door, still asking about the girl.

"That's what I've been saying. But why didn't you tell me she was your new student?" I sat down on the bed in the middle of the room, Alicia joining me shortly.

"Why would I tell you that? Plus, you never mentioned her name, how was I supposed to know the lucky girl was the same Summer I was tutoring?" She made a point, causing me to sigh and rub my temples in frustration.

"Well it doesn't matter now anyway." I said.

"Miles I hope you know what you're doing. If her mom gets to know, Summer is done for. I've seen enough of her to know that much." Alicia warned, concerned for the girl. Since she got to see and talk with Summer's mom more, I figured it's obvious that she would know the woman's ways better than I did.

We heard a knock on the door and saw mom coming in, holding two glasses of chocolate milkshake for me and Alicia. We thanked her and took them in hands, both taking a sip at the same time.

"You two seem to be up to something." She said with a fond smile, knowing how unusual it is for us to sit down like this and talk calmly with each other.

"Oh we were just talking about Miles' girlfriend." My sister didn't bat an eyelid to spill the beans, making my eyes widen but not as much as mom's. She turned to me immediately and sat down beside me on the bed, wanting to know more about the matter.

"Ugh thank you so much sister snitch." I rolled my eyes at Alicia but all she did was grin and wink at me.

"So who is this girl? Someone I know?" Mom inquired. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I didn't want to hide anything from mom. I knew she wouldn't misunderstand or react aggressively since she had always made sure to trust us and let us make our own decisions when necessary.

"It's just a girl I met at the math class some time ago. Because of some stuff she stopped coming and now is coincidentally the new student of Alicia." I explained, getting a little shy on the inside as mom watched me with starry eyes and a kind smile.

"So she's your girlfriend now?"

"Well... Not exactly. I mean, I confessed I like her but..." I hesitated, realizing for the first time that I didn't really get to ask Summer out officially. To add fuel to my internal panic, Alicia forcefully turned me to her with furrowed eyebrows, a sign that she was not happy with my answer.

"But you didn't ask her if she wanted to be your girlfriend? And instead you went straight up 'I'll kiss her in the middle of the road just fifty yards away from her house'?"

She threw her hands in the air sassily, glaring down to the deepest bits of my soul. Seeing my nervous little nod she face palmed, coming at me about how she wondered what Summer sees in me. She continued to scold me pointing out that the girl must be wondering what the relationship status is between us, causing me to feel guiltier and guiltier by the second. I kept my silence and listened while sipping my milkshake, mom watching the scene quietly with a bright beam.

~ ♡ ~


- Hey you busy?

No no I'm as free as I can get😁 -

Is everything ok? -

- Yeah all good. I was just wondering if you got in trouble with Alicia cuz of me

- I didn't she know she was your sister

Nah she's all cool so don't worry -

- Oh thank god

You were worried about me? -

- Well yeah...

Sorry about that but I really am fine❤ -

She did go on about one thing tho -

- What is it?

Well you know... I never really asked you out properly... -

- Oh

Seeing how the reply came a bit late even though it was just one word, I could tell she was blushing from the other side of the screen. That was one thing I I absolutely love about her, her cheeks going bright red at the slightest corny word or an action. She looked so adorable because of that blush though she may not even realize it. I stopped smiling to myself and typed a reply, asking her the one thing I had missed earlier.

So what do you say? Should we call this our first day as a couple? -

- I don't know Miles... If my mom finds out about this it won't be just me who'd be in trouble. She'll start a whole drama involving you too and I don't want that...

My smile faded away as I read through the words, realizing I shouldn't be reckless for her sake no matter how much I didn't want to care.

I understand❤ -

You don't have to agree on anything that will put you in a tough position. Who cares about these titles anyway. At least we'll be able to talk like this from time to time -

- I doubt that very much

What do you mean? -

- I don't think you'll be able to talk to her anymore


Is this...

Oh God no!

- Stop contacting my daughter. It won't be of any use either because the phone will be with me

Shit shit shit

- And tell your sister that it's not necessary to come tutor anymore. I'll wire this month's payment by the end of this week

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I honestly don't know why I wrote this in the first place or why I'm rewriting it like-

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