19 - Enjoy the Moment

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"Thanks mom, I'll take it from here." I heard Nova say to her mom before entering the room with a tray full of homemade snacks. She placed the tray beside me on the bed and sat down cross legged.

"Your mom's snacks are the best I swear." I complimented while getting my hand on a pretzel bar, taking a bite out of it to savor the deliciousness in my mouth.

"She loves when you come over so she just goes all out. I'm not gonna be surprised if tomorrow you come here as my adoptive sister." Nova said munching on a pizza roll, making us both laugh. What she said wasn't entirely a lie either, her mom treats me like I'm her own flesh and blood. For me, this was what felt like home.

I was currently at my best friend's place to work on a group project with her. Though it was a bit of a problem to get permission from my mom, in the end it all worked out for the better. Nova and I finished the project as soon as possible and spent the rest of the day talking about random things since I had a few more hours before the driver came to pick me up. I even got a chance to update Nova about the incident with Miles.

"If only your mom wasn't so strict, you guys would be the cutest couple ever. I can imagine you going on dates, hugging, kissing, giggling oh my gosh it's so cute!"

The girl squealed in delight, not noticing she was making me blush with her words. Along with the warmth in my heart I realized something else as well, something that caused my smile to fade a little and get confused.

"What's wrong?" Nova asked.

"Nothing's wrong I was just thinking..."

"About what?"

"I mean, Miles and I confessed and we kissed but-"

"You guys are head over heels for each other, no need to rub it in my single of a pringle face you know." She cut me off midway, faking an expression of anger as she started to eat another pizza roll.

"Listen first you muppet! I was saying that even though Miles and I did all that, we still aren't officially dating as boyfriend and girlfriend. But we aren't 'just friends' either. What does that make us?" I gestured with my hands to emphasize my confusion and a loud smack resonated through the room when Nova face-palmed.

"Next time you come here, just keep your brain at home please. You can sort that problem the next time you guys meet or talk. For now just enjoy the moment." She suggested and I chuckled.

Suddenly my phone vibrated indicating I had a text and I unlocked the device to see it was from mom. I frowned at the message and my best friend waited for me to say something.

"The car broke down and won't be able to pick me up. So mom wants me to come home now by bus before it's too late." I shortened the text I received.

"So you're leaving? Already?"

"I have to. Mom won't let me live otherwise. I'm really sorry..."

"No no it's alright. We can always hang out at school." As always she forgave me with a smile, not getting upset or angry though she had all the rights to. "My father's out of town for a few days. Else I would've dropped you home. Do you have money to go by bus?"

"Yeah I always keep some just in case."

After another few minutes I was at the doorstep of Nova's house, ready to say goodbye for the day. Suddenly her mom came to the door with hasty steps, handing me a bag with the snacks we couldn't finish earlier. I thanked her and put it into my backback with my other belongings and walked towards the road, waving at my bestfriend for the last time. Though I could walk to the bus stop in a few couple of minutes I had to half an hour more until the bus came. Fortunately the bus wasn't very crowded and I could get a seat near the window.

I left a message to Nova saying that I got on the bus. She wanted me to leave her another text once I reached home and I agreed before ending the conversation, feeling the motion sickness starting to kick in. I always felt dizzy and got sick whenever I read something or texted someone when I was in the car or any vehicle so I used to put on my earphones and listen to music until the ride was over. Today too I did the same, plugging my earphones and putting on a random playlist I had on shuffle. I placed my head on the window and closed my eyes for a few moments hoping the slight dizziness would disappear soon.

Though I had a long way till I reached my stop, I hadn't intended on sleeping. At least not before I woke up from my accidental nap and realized it. I panicked and looked out of the window immediately to see if I had missed my stop but luckily I had not. There was still some towns we needed to pass before I could get off at my destination. It was already starting to get dark and I was glad I had caught this bus, realizing it would be too late if I had been at Nova's house a little bit more. I heaved a sigh in relief and heard a slight chuckle from beside me. I hadn't even noticed someone had sat next to me all this time so the sound made me surprised, causing me to turn and see the person.

"You have time to sleep a bit more if you want. If you tell me the exact stop you're getting down, I'll wake you up before that." The person smiled widely at me, patting their shoulder as if to say I can place my head there. I had to blink a few times before I could finally speak.


I have over 10 vague plot ideas in my drafts but idk what to focus on next cuz none of them have a clear storyline yet and now I'm kinda panicking😭😭

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