Extra : Valentine's Day

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"Yay you're up!"

It was the first thing I heard in the morning as soon as I straightened up on the bed, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand to keep them open. Hearing footsteps, I looked at the door to see Miles standing there with a beam, a breakfast tray in hand.

"Good morning beautiful." He kissed me on the temple after putting down the tray on my lap that was covered by the blanket. "Happy Valentine's day!"

"Happy Valentine's Day." I said not being able to hide the blush creeping up to my face. I didn't know if it was because of the special day or because of the nickname he used but whatever it was, it made my heart flutter. My gaze fell onto the tray he brought that made my heart race. It was a simple meal with a smoothie but what caught my attention was the red tulip on the side. For us, it meant something more than a red rose. It was more special.

"The toast might be a bit burned." Miles squeaked while scratching his nape.

"It's really good, I love it!" I extended a piece towards his mouth while chewing on the bite I had. He didn't refuse but accepted it and made sure I emptied the food tray he brought as he fondly watched me savor every bite I had of the meal he made for me.

My Valentine's day morning couldn't have been better.

"Is there anything you wanna do today?" He asked when I finished my breakfast and got the glass of smoothie to drink. I spent a few moments to think before I answered.

"I do have this place I wanted to go since a while now."

"Then we can go there today. We'll get ready once you're done with breakfast." He said and I nodded frantically, super excited about getting to finally go to that place, that too with Miles. I wasn't sure what his reaction would be once he actually sees what that place was but thinking about it made me look forward for it more and more.

We got ready and in a little more than thirty minutes, we were in Miles' car driving towards our destination, me giving him directions that I had made sure to remember by heart. It was an hour worth of a drive but I knew it was gonna be totally worth it. We parked the car under a shady tree and got down. I looked to my left to see Miles looking at the place with his hands on his hips and a smile decorating his face. He looked back at me.

"Why am I not surprised?" He let out a chuckle that made my lips curve upwards automatically.

Going inside, I could hardly conceal my squeal seeing all the cats and kittens playing around the place in the most cutest manner. We went up to the reception to see a young girl and she took us to another room where more of these furry friends were having the time of their lives.

"Let me know if you guys need anything okay?" The girl said and I nodded in response, letting her walk away to resume her job at the front desk. Miles and I sat down on two of the bean bags in the corner of the room, three kittens following us waiting to get petted.

"I should've known you would pick kitties to spend your Valentine's day with and not me." Miles complained right away, taking a ginger cat into his lap to play with her. I giggled at how he said 'kitties' instead of cats, just like how I called these adorable creatures. "Woah buddy seems like you have no trouble with food here, you're heavier than I thought."

"These kitties are well fed and taken care of here." I said, looking around the place.

It was almost like a shelter for cats but we could go just play and have a little fun time with them if we wanted to. If we're interested they let you adopt them too. I got to know about this place from a girl in my class a few months ago and ever since then I've been dying to come here but didn't have time. I also knew that though Miles seemed to whine about my choice of date for Valentine's day, he loved goofing around with kitties too. He was definitely more of a dog person but wouldn't say no to a cat if he sees one.

We didn't even feel the time pass and spent the entire afternoon and the evening there, getting our lunch from a nearby restaurant. I took care of the bill for the whole day out since I suggested it and by the time we went back home to our apartment, it was pretty dark.

"Are you tired?" Miles checked on me as soon as we set foot inside the apartment.

"Nope. Any plans?" I looked over to him locking the door while I removed my jacket.

"I'll tell you after we change into something comfy." He smiled.

As he suggested, I took a shower and changed into a hoodie and sweatpants before coming out of my room. I went straight for the living room to see a bunch of pillows, blankets and a mattress all piled up right next to the sofa. Miles was in a short and a hoodie too, doing something in the kitchen. Upon hearing my footsteps he turned back to face me with his signature beam.

"Let's build a fort!" He announced excitedly, taking me completely by surprise. I couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm that hadn't changed at all.

We got to work to make his dream come to life but it wasn't easy as I thought it would be. Every time we built the 'walls' it would fall down two seconds later which made everything all the more difficult. However after countless attempts our fort was ready and it wasn't that bad at all. If anyone saw it they would think we were pros at that kind of a job.

"I'll make some snacks."

I volunteered and Miles took on the job to pick a movie. After another twenty minutes, the snacks were ready and I placed them inside our fort within a reach of a hand. We crawled inside together and sat side by side, giggling all the while to ourselves. The boy covered our bodies with another blanket and hugged me from the side, his hand behind my back and on the shoulder while his other hand held my right one. He kissed the back of it gently as the movie started making me smile.

The snacks were gone in less than an hour but the movie went on. It was a bit of an old movie but neither of us minded because it was so good. We would clutch our stomachs and laugh so hard, storing a core memory for both of us to cherish later on.

"Oh my god did you see that? That was so cool!!" I commented pointing at a cool trick the main character of the movie did and looked at Miles to see if he had noticed it too. However I was met with him dozing off with his head hanging in the air.

I smiled to myself and placed his head on my shoulder so he could sleep more comfortably, trying not to wake him up. He stirred in his sleep and snuggled his whole body closer to mine, tightening his hands around me. I stroked his hair for a while before interlacing our hands together. I turned off the movie and getting reminded of what he always does I placed a little peck on the back of his palm.

"I love you Miles. Happy Valentine's day."

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! This chapter was a little rushed but I hope you enjoyed it❤

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