26 - Just Like Your Name

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[A/N : Random update cuz I wanna end this before this month ends and bcuz I forgot a very VERY important person to include in my last author's note😂❤]


If you're wondering, did I move in with Miles?

I did.

After much consideration and a few fights against my annoying anxiety, I decided to accept his offer and move in with him. It was the first time that I had actually went to the apartment he had bought for himself in the beginning of the year and he told me I was the first visitor he had invited in too.

It had a gorgeous view over the city from the 27th floor and it looked the best at night. There was a kitchen that was almost the size of my previous room and two bedrooms twice the size of it. They were facing each other on opposite sides of the short hallway and I was given one to myself, the one Miles didn't use.

I was able to settle down quickly excluding the slow progress on remembering my way around the apartment and Miles was the best housemate I could ever ask for. He was sweet and always made sure I was comfortable, giving me all the privacy I needed without having to ask for it. He was quick to understand and was always respectful, causing me to fall for him even more than I was already.

"Just one more project and I can have my own car!" The guy exclaimed with a beam that radiated so much happiness all around the room where we were currently sitting down around the coffee table to do our assignments and projects.

"And another item off of your dreams list!" I added, earning a nod from him.

"Let's go on a long road trip when I get one, what do you say? Soon it's gonna be exactly one month since you moved in and we can celebrate that as well!"

I tore my eyes away from the laptop screen at the sudden suggestion, not being able to hide my smile before he noticed it. I've always wanted to go somewhere far away for a long time without any doubts or worries to get a break from everything. As if he had read my mind, Miles came up with the idea without a single word of input from me.

"I'll take that as a yes." He answered the question himself, making me giggle. "It'll be a great way to start my new year too." I heard him mutter to himself and the statement got me thinking.

New? But it's the middle of the year now?

Then I remembered.

His birthday!!

It was only two days away and I had forgotten all about it considering how hectic the recent days had been. Guilt washed over me as I opened the calendar from my laptop to see I was free of my part time jobs or special events on that day, causing me to release a sigh of relief.

"Everything okay?"

Miles was concerned but I quickly put on a smile and nodded hoping not to be suspicious of what was running through my mind.

It's his 21st birthday, if course I have to do something. Plus, it's the first thing we celebrate together so it's more special...

"Oh and I'm meeting some friends from school day after tomorrow so I might not be able to pick you up from college, I'm sorry."

He started apologizing for something he shouldn't, his lips forming an adorable slight pout.

So he'll be spending his birthday with his friends...

"It's fine Miles, go have fun. You're not obliged to pick me up so you shouldn't be saying sorry." I said clearly, not wanting to see him being pouty anymore.

"But I like spending time with you."

He mumbled before leaning forward across the coffee table and connecting our lips for a short moment, stealing another kiss from me like he had done every once in a while since we started dating officially. Slyly winking at me he got up from the floor and walked towards the kitchen, evidently pleased with his little mischief.

"Should we order some pizza tonight? I'm in a good mood today." He asked, pouring some water for himself.

"I'm always in the mood for pizza."

"Perfect. We'll finish work quickly and order."

With his suggestion we both went back to work silently, the pizza dinner lingering in my mind for motivation. Though Miles finished quickly he waited until I was done too before going through the menu and ordering our dinner. While waiting for the food to arrive we put on a movie and when the doorbell was ringed Miles went up and brought the pizza and the cola to the living room where I was on the couch.

"Now this is life. Pizza on the table, girlfriend next to me and a movie on TV. Perfect." The guy said stuffing his mouth with another bite of the cheesy delight. As if suddenly realizing something he looked at me with puzzlement. "But why aren't you eating? Is it not to your taste? Should I order something else?"

"No no it's not that, I love it..."

"Then what's wrong? You can't be full just after two slices?"

His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion at this point and I avoided his gaze the best I could. Though his voice was soft and comforting I didn't want him to worry about my insecurities too in addition to what he already had on his plate. Out of habit I hugged myself to hide the part of my body that I've always hated since a long time ago: my stomach. Almost all the time it happened unknowingly but this time I noticed that practice of mine when Miles peeled off my arms without a word, exposing the organ I had tried to cover from his vision.

"This little guy," he gently poked my tummy with a smile, "makes you squishy. And that's a plus for me because it literally feels like I'm embracing a human pillow when I'm hugging you. I could go on and on for days about how cute you look in my eyes whenever I see you. I wouldn't mind starting right now, if you're interested."

I kept on staring at him in the eyes to catch any falsehood but all I could see was sincerity. He meant it, the words he said and I didn't know how I should reply to his gentleness. He took my hands in his and smiled again, his voice softer and a little more serious than before if that was possible.

"You're much more beautiful than you think you are Summer, just like your name. I love every single inch of you and somehow I will make you realize your worth too. So from now on you don't need to hold back on anything because of your insecurities okay?"

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and made it linger for a few moments. When he pulled away he placed the pizza box on my lap, silently prompting me to eat more until I was actually full. I took another slice in between my fingers and watched him happily sip down his cola, a thousand thoughts running through my mind.

Since the story is slowly coming to an end, this shoutout goes to my oldest supporter!🤭 Winterflower115 has been here since day 1 and has seen all of my embarrassing writing attempts without missing anything and she's still here which is nothing short of miracle tbh😂💔 Thank you sm for your support and sorry for all the cringe you had to read before😂❤

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