17 - Tell Her to Calm Down

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I fluttered my eyes open slowly, a white ceiling coming into my view.

Wait... This isn't the main hall...

I looked around the room and realized that I was now lying down on a bed in the school infirmary. I got up into a sitting position and noticed Nova entering the room looking really worried but almost screamed in joy when she saw me sitting up.

"Summer you're awake!! Are you feeling okay now?" She came closer and smiled at me, giving me a glass of water.

"What happened?" I asked as soon as I emptied the glass and placing it on the cupboard beside the bed I was on.

"You fainted. A few girls helped to bring you here. The school nurse said it was probably because you were overworking yourself and that you need to rest well." Nova explained, clearing the doubts I had about the situation. "The nurse said you hadn't got much of sleep in days too. Were you pulling all-nighters again to make sure your mom's study schedule wouldn't be messed up because of the event work?"

I looked down at my fingers at my best friend's question, silently giving her the answer I knew she didn't like to hear. She heaved a sigh and hugged me tightly, knowing it would help me feel better than any words could. She never liked the schedules and treatments my mom had for me and always wanted me to break that miserable cycle but she also knew I couldn't do it because of the terrible results it could occur. At these times she always used to hug me and pat me softly on the back, giving me comfort and support in her own way.

"Ah I see you've woken up Ms. Everly." Nova and I pulled away at the voice of the school nurse, looking up to see the woman in her mind thirties gazing at us kindly. "How are you feeling now?"

"Much better, thank you." I smiled gratefully, earning another kind smile from her as well.

"I informed your class teacher and Mrs. Lopez about your condition so that you'll be excused from your duties and lessons for the day. You can stay here and rest up until school's over. Let me know if you need anything. But as for your friend," she turned towards Nova, "you have to go back by next class." The woman made herself clear and stepped out of the room to her office, leaving us alone again.

"Also, I met someone." My attention was back on my best friend as she started speaking again, doing that weird eyebrow wriggle she always did when talking about-

"Miles?" The name flew out of my lips immediately and she nodded her head confirming my answer.

"I could recognize him right away with the stuff you had told me. He had been beside you when you fainted and to say he was concerned is an understatement. That boy was scared as heck when I got here. Though he couldn't stay long because of the event and mostly because Mrs. Lopez shooed him away, I got to talk to him for a bit when everyone was busy talking to the school nurse about you."

My cheeks heated up hearing Miles' reaction to my situation and I tried to picture what happened according to what Nova was narrating, a clear soundless movie building up in my head with the incident talking place one by one. That made me go back to a little while ago when I was in the media room with the guy and I felt myself blushing again at the memory of his words. Thankfully, my bestfriend didn't notice, although I would probably be telling her all about it later.

"He seemed kind of shy but happy when I told him you're my bestfriend and that I got to hear about him from you. Then he asked me to pass this to you before he went back."

She handed me a piece of white paper folded in half, my heart nervously beating at the mere sight of it. Nova sat beside me on the bed and excitedly waited for me to open and see what's written inside. I threw a quick glance at the door to see if anyone is there or to hear if anyone is near but since there was none, I went ahead and opened the paper. Nova leaned in a bit to see more.

Hey I hope you're okay. I wanted to stay with you but I didn't want to cause you any trouble at school. Anyway, I'm really worried about you so let me know how you are okay? Please. You can delete my number later on if that could you get you in more trouble.

P. S. : Please tell your bestfriend to calm down a bit too. She threatened to boil my teeth if anything happens to you because of me and I admit I hadn't been scared like that in a looong time.

Just so you know, I won't do anything to harm you :) Get well soon and take care of yourself!

Underneath it was a phone number which I assumed was his one. I was anticipating a few words but seeing how he had written almost a full letter, he must be a really fast writer. Before I folded the paper back in half I went over the words one last time, a smile creeping up to my face unknowingly.

"Sheesh aren't you two cheesy." Nova scoffed and pretended to gag after seeing the note with me and I playfully shoved her away a little, both bursting into a giggles.

"What's with the part you threatening to boil his teeth?" I interrogated, faking a death glare and pointing to the note.

"Oh yeah I totally told him that. And he left out the bit where I was going to serve his boiled teeth to my pet snake. It was the best part!" She didn't even try to explain herself but made it even worse, causing me to gawk at her in surprise before I realized something.

"You don't have a pet snake?" I pointed out.

"Yeah well don't tell him that because I could tell he believed me."

She got pensive as if to analyze her meeting with Miles and figure out whether he was believing her words or not. I shook my head sideways with a chuckle and let her be, putting the folded paper in the pocket of my uniform so anyone else wouldn't see it with me.

Apparantly someone has beef with me after what I said in the last author's note🤣💔 Anyways Happy Saturday y'all😚

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