16 - I Missed You

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I had just finished welcoming the guests for the event once everyone was seated and gave the chance to the other two announcers when I heard someone calling my name from backstage, earning my attention immediately.

"Miss Everly?"

It was Mrs. Hearst who was another teacher in charge of the event, walking over to where I was, a familiar tall figure tagging along with her only a few steps behind. I turned my full attention on the teacher, not giving the guy too much notice though I knew he was craving for some, by the gaze he held.

"The boys need two more microphones for their upcoming presentation. Could you please get them from the media room?" She asked and flashed a fond smile when I gave an affirmative nod to her request. I had taken only two steps towards where the media room was when I heard the boyish voice asking me something, my legs halting as if they had a mind on their own.

"Is it okay if I come with you?"

Unknowingly I glanced at the teacher just beside him, looking at both of us with an expression that fortunately read nothing bad. I was relieved that it was only Mrs. Hearst and not Mrs. Lopez. Otherwise this simple question could've caused a scene here.

"Um sure?" I answered doubtfully as I didn't know if it should be my decision when a teacher was right there with us. Nonetheless she didn't say anything but went on her way, leaving us alone to go in the other direction to where the spare microphones were.

Even without any eye contact I could tell the guy was wanting to say something as we walked but still kept his quiet. It was only after we entered the media room I decided to break the silence.

"We didn't think there would be a need for more mics but they should be here somewhere." I said while beginning my search right away and the shuffling sounds behind me indicated that Miles had done the same too.

"Aren't you in the media unit?" He spoke finally, raising a question with the possible assumption that I was one of the media unit since I announced on stage earlier.

"Nope. This is just for today." I opened a few drawers but closed them seeing they didn't contain what we were looking for.

"So you really did stop coming to the class."

There was a shift of tone in his voice. It was almost sad and I felt my hands slowed down what they were doing at the memory of us on the usual spot at the balcony crossing my mind for a moment. It had a been a few months since we last saw each other and I had missed him so much, but I wasn't courageous enough to say it out loud for him to hear. I faced him for a few seconds to give a little sad smile as I didn't know anything to say to what he asked.

"I missed you." He said.

My hands stopped what they were doing at the words, feeling a tugging at my heart getting stronger by the silent seconds passed. He said it in a longing voice, almost nostalgically and I wondered if he was reminded of us on the usual spot on the balcony after the math class ended. It had been a few months since I last attended the class and there was no hiding that I missed him too. I really did and all the times I whined to Nova were evidence for it. I wanted to let him know that too but just saying those three words out loud made me so nervous. I figured he knew I was listening when I had abandoned the mission of looking for the microphones and was just standing there not being able to face him but he continued anyways.

"Ever since you stopped coming back to the class, I missed you. I even waited for you to come back but you didn't." He stopped for a moment and I could feel his gaze on me. "And, I'm sorry our first kiss had to be in that old dusty classroom. I wanted it to be on a perfect time on a perfect day but I panicked when you said you weren't coming anymore. I hope you're not mad about that."

I turned my head towards him hearing a small chuckle at his own words, making me do the same, shaking my head sideways in a way to make him understand I wasn't at all upset about it. "But next time warn me beforehand." It was only after saying it I realized what my words were, both of our eyes widening a little. I was talking about a 'next time' when I didn't even know if we would meet again.

That must be the most positive thinking I've done in forever! Nova would be so proud.

"How about now for our 'next time'?"

Miles took one step forward very slowly with a mischievous smile spread across his features and it was my turn to panic, eyes immediately going around the room noticing the security camera installed there. I had forgotten all about them! I was torn between wanting this to happen but at the same time getting reminded of the possible consequences if we really went with it.

"Could you find the mics??" A girl burst through the door just then. I figured she was a prefect from the title badge she was wearing. "It's almost time for the presentation and a teacher told me you guys weren't back with the mics yet." She explained.

"Uhh well yeah I didn't exactly know where the spare mics were." I admitted.

The girl didn't say anything else but went towards the cupboard in the corner of the room, taking out the items we were looking for. She gave them to Miles and hurried us to go back with her, closing the door of the media room when the three of us were out. Miles and I exchanged glances as we walked along with the prefect, at least before I started slowing down my steps because of a sudden dizziness coming over to me. A black cloud covered my vision and my legs started to get wobbly, not being able to hold my weight anymore. With a loud 'thud' I felt the coldness of the floor against my back but I couldn't muster up any strength to get back up.

"Summer! Summer are you okay?? Summer!!"

I heard someone call out to me from a distant but the voice started fading away when everything went black.

I thought to update twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday (for me) since I'm almost done writing🤗

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