06 - Don't Worry

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Well well well, isn't this a good situation to be in...

"I was planning to ask if the test was easy but that question is of no use now I guess." Miles said putting down his phone, chuckling to himself.

"What do you mean you were planning to ask?" I was confused. Was he thinking of a way to have a conversation with me ever since the teacher announced the surprise test?

"I just realized I exposed myself like that." His eyes widened at the realization, making me giggle. "I was just trying to come up with something to talk to you after the class if I got the chance." He admitted shyly. "Since that excuse isn't very valid now, you can ask that question from me instead of me asking from you." I felt the smile on my face grow seeing how his eyes glimmered at the suggestion, staring right at me.

"Sure then, how was the test for you?" I laughed but asked anyway, giving into the boy's adorable eye smile.

"It was okay. Could've gone better. But I think itㅡ"

"Oh you two are still here!" Mrs. Moore's voice startled us both, neither one expecting her to come upstairs to the class like that. "I just came to get my keys I had forgotten, I thought everyone would've left by now." She said looking repeatedly at the two of us.

"My Uber will get here in a few minutes." Miles took out his phone to examine the map provided by the app, confirming the estimated time for the taxi to arrive.

"And Summer? Did your mom say she'll be late?" She turned to me.

"Not specifically. She'll get here any minute now." I glanced at the road to check if she really hadn't come yet while I was smiling and talking with Miles. Fortunately for me she wasn't there and I heaved a little sigh in relief.

"Okay then if one of you leaves the other one has to come downstairs to the office okay? Don't stay here alone, it's getting dark." The teacher said before leaving us again once we nodded in comprehension. We watched as she climbed down the stairs and disappeared into the hallway.

"It really is getting dark pretty soon."

Miles looked around himself and I did too, noticing how the surroundings were being sucked into the night, the last ray of sunshine slowly disappearing as well.

"Do you want to take a call to your mom and ask if she's near or something?"

"No it's fine. She'll be here soon. Thanks anyway." I said as I stood on my tippy toes to see further up the road for a hint of mom's figure but still she wasn't there. I was seriously starting to wonder if I should be happy that I get to spend more time with Miles or be concerned that my mother still hasn't showed up yet when she hadn't mentioned to me or to the teacher that she'll be late to pick me up from the class.

"My Uber will come any moment now. Go downstairs to the office and wait there then."

"It's okay Miles, I'll wait another few minutes andㅡ"

"See, there's my taxi. Now go. I'll stay until you do that." The guy pointed at the car with the letters 'Uber' displaying on the door, which had just stopped in front of the building that our class is held.

"I really have a feeling mom will be here any minute so you can go now. The taxi is waiting." I tried one more time to get him to stop worrying about me and go home. I saw the Uber driver turning on the interior car lights, maybe thinking if he had come to the wrong destination seeing how the boy wasn't ready to leave yet.

It felt so very nice to have someone other than your best friend to worry about your wellbeing like that but I didn't want to step into that creepy office downstairs again, having been there one time a few months ago when mom had informed the teacher that she had a last minute meeting to attend to. I preferred the balcony no matter how dark it was getting, considering how easy it was for me to see things happening on the road, the cold breeze and uninterrupted solitude as well. There were other people in the building that I could ask help from if I was in any kind of danger too so the balcony seemed the best option for me to wait until mom came.

"You sure you'll be okay? What if your mom gets very late?" Miles seemed starting to give in to my stubbornness, maybe realizing that I wasn't gonna listen to his words that easily.

"Five minutes tops and I'll go, don't worry." I said.

"Okay then. I'm leaving. See you next week." He heaved a little sigh before smiling and waving at me, taking small steps towards the flight of stairs.

"Sure. Bye!" I waved back at him, watching his figure strolling down to the car and looking at me one last time before getting into the car and leaving.

I rested my arms on the railing of the balcony and leaned forward, staring at the road while humming a song to myself. It had been only a couple of minutes after Miles left when I saw my mom walking down the road as she was talking on the phone with someone. I straightened myself up and joined her on the road without a word, my lips pursed tightly as usual.

The lack of words between us was a very common thing and I had gotten used to it over the time, learning how to think about something else to keep myself occupied. This day I had a lot of things to think of that happened during the day, specifically about the one person whom I couldn't get out of my mind. It took a little effort for me to hide the automatic smiles at the recollections, not risking for mom to start interrogating me if caught. I wondered if he was acting the same way as I was after he left and I could already tell what Nova's reaction was going to be the next day at school when I tell her all of this.

"Oh girl you're so whipped!"

Too many dialogues and so awkward :|

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