The FBI's progress

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I stumbled through the snowed in forest. My hands left a blood trail and I often glanced behind myself. In my bloody hands, was my mother's necklace and if you open it up, it holds a photo of Arthur and I inside it. I gripped onto it tight as I ventured through the woods. I felt the metallic taste on my lips and I was so cold.. so so cold. I kept trying to sob but I had no tears left to cry, I just made strange noises as I tried to run through the thick snow. Then I found a road. I collapsed onto my knees and I heard some car tires and an engine. I scurried to my feet, skidding on some ice and I ran behind a tree. My whole body shivered as I watched the car come to a stop and I covered my mouth using my bloody, dirty hands. I fiddled with my mother's necklace's chain in between my fingers as I attempted to stay calm. British soldiers got out the vehicle, holding their rifles and they inspected the roads to see more tracks.
"It leads on. Look" a young soldier pointed out to the crew.
"We're getting closer to the bastards. Let's keep moving!" A captain shouted. I was going to die in the snow if I didn't trust these soldiers. I thought of was rushed to see them all getting back into the trucks. I quickly got onto my feet and felt light headed.
"Wai- help! T-The cabin in the woods... Bury them... take me home" I tried to shout but I was too tired. I reached my arm out to the vehicle and I felt like I was a bag of bricks and I collapsed onto the iced roads. My entire vision was blurred and I couldn't move a limb. I faintly saw soldiers rushing out to my aid and one put my head on their lap.
"She's dehydrated. WE NEED SOME WATER! It's okay, little girl... you're safe" promised the solider, wiping some dirt off my forehead. I tried to grip on the necklace but It was thumping in pain.
"I'll look after it for you" the solider took it out of my hands and I tried to get it back but I simply couldn't. I was fed some water and the solider attempted to pick me up but then I heard grunts and gunshots. The solider carrying me fell to the floor and I shrieked as I rolled away from him. I got some sighting back and I saw the solider caring for me laid dead, his eyes were wide and he was covered in blood. I saw my necklace in his bloody hands and I went to grab it but someone caught me from behind and hauled me into the truck.
"GO GO GO!" The solider screamed and the driver stepped on the gas and we were out of there.

I sat at the table with Hannibal and Anthony and this was the first time Hannibal and I sat down together after our fall out.
"Fish?" Anthony asked me. I glanced up at him and I saw he was observing my plate.
"I'm avoiding anything with a central nervous system" I informed Anthony and I ate an oyster. I glanced in front of me to see Hannibal glaring at me as he slowly chewed his food.
"Ah yes, that's what the Romanians would feed their animals for improved flavour" Anthony sipped his red wine and I smirked to myself as I swallowed my oyster.
"My husband is very picky on how I taste" I pouted to Anthony, seeing Hannibal smirk at me from the corner of my eye. Anthony glanced between us both and had an eyebrow raised.
"Is it that kinda party?" He growled. Hannibal smirked and shook his head.
"It is not that kind of party" Hannibal promised Anthony.

Hannibal let Anthony through the front door and slowly closed it. He turned around to see me staring at him with crossed arms.
"You let him go..." I mumbled to him.
"Maybe I'm not a monster after all" he slanted his head at me and I smirked, slanted my head at him.
"Are you really trying to improve how I taste...?" I questioned him. He chuckled and slowly approached me.
"Don't feel insulted, I already adore how you taste" Hannibal promised me, being close up to my face.
"So you're going to eat me?" I asked him, ignoring his flirts.
"Not how you think, I wouldn't want to harm you like that" he stroked my arm and I stared into his eyes, while he stared back into mine.
"I have a lead on Grutas..." I whispered to Hannibal.

Wills POV

I stared longer at the letter Hannibal sent me. We sent it in for tests, checked it's post code, got the smell off it, analysed the paper, the ink. We have no idea where Hannibal could've sent it, except for security tapes of all the CCTV in every perfume shop that sells this certain perfume in the entire world. I know Jack wants to kill Grace and Hannibal, as does Mason Verger. Alana went to be Mason's psychiatrist  since the show Down in Hannibal's kitchen and I discovered that he had removed Margot's womb that held my baby. Now, Mason wants a surrogate. He initially went for the pigs, with the pig farm he has but he decided to play a sick joke on Margot and I, so i threatened him at gun point. Margot wants Grace and Hannibal in one piece so he can act on his horrible thoughts on them, for killing his men.

"Will!" Jack shouted. I snapped out of it and stared down at Jack staring up at me angrily.
"We have a lead"

"Rinaldo Pazzi. How can I help the FBI?" The detective asked me, smoking his cigarette. He had a salt and pepper stubble and didn't seem like a humorous person.
"We believe you have two wanted people here in Florence" Jack showed the two photos of Hannibal and Grace. Hannibal's photo was 20-30 year old him and Grace was only 19 in her photo. He stared down at them for a long time, especially Graces. He knows her.
"How much are they both?" He asked us slowly.
"Both are half a million each" Jack told him, waiting for him to finish staring at the photos.
"Who is Mason Verger... he wants them for 2 Million each" Pazzi mumbled to us. I grabbed the photo out of his hand and saw Mason's details were under the wanted photo as a bounty.
"He's an unwell, rich asshole" I muttered to Pazzi, snatching Grace's photo out of his hands.
"They're both sincerely dangerous and will kill you if they find out you know about this. Just call us if you see them" Jack handed him his business card and walked off, as I followed.
"He's going to Mason, he wants that money Jack" I quickly informed Jack as he speed walked.
"Then we'll just take them off Mason" Jack scoffed to me.

Lady Murasaki's POV
(Hannibal's aunty)

I cleaned my hunters knife and I viewed all the birds I had hung up, for my food for the winter. I collected my bow and arrows then headed out my shed. I locked it tight and looked around myself to see the woods and I made my way back to the Lecter's estate.

I sipped on my soup as I stared at the newspapers all the way from 30 years ago, to the Chesapeake rippers first victim and to 12 years ago, to the Baltimore first victim. I looked at the recent articles to see a woman named Grace Lars and Hannibal Lecter had ran away together. I traced my finger on Hannibal's face, I hadn't seen it in a long time. I scan read the description and there was talk of A man named Mason Verger putting a high bounty of 2M on for them Alive, then the FBI are after them also. I let out a loud exhale and sipped more of my soup.

I went downstairs into my basement and I viewed the large cage I had reserved for Hannibal, since monsters deserve to be locked up. I'll find him, and I'll save him in my own twisted way.

Mason Verger's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror and I carefully shaved my stubble off then I saw Margot standing behind me. She doesn't scare me, not even after her trying to kill me.
"Carlos is here" she informed me.
"Thank you Margot, tell him I shall be down soon" I responded to her, focused on shaving. She let out a loud sigh and made her way out of my bathroom.

I adjusted my waist coat and I saw my trusty hench man sat on my luxurious couches. I winced just seeing his dirty ass on them.
"Carlos! So good of you to join us" I clapped my hands together and I sat down in front of him. He had a serious face on and slowly fiddled with the tooth pick in his mouth.
"Find Grace and Hannibal. I want them alive and well, so... please be gentle" I begged him.
"Do you have a lead?" Carlos shrugged his shoulders at me and his accent was very thick, it was beautiful to listen to.
"Start with Florence" I smirked. I grabbed the file from the coffee table and I laid out three photos. One of Hannibal on the street, the other is Grace leaving a library and the third of then leaving a museum together. I felt Margot's presence behind me, along with Alana.
"I want to see them both when you have them" Alana said to me sternly. I sighed, wiping my face and I slowly turned to face her. Her body physique was scarred and she always had her walking cane beside her.
"That I'll have to think about" I teased. Margot's anger just radiated off her when I felt her eyes stab into me. So, I slowly turned to Carlos again.
"Do whatever it takes to get them, just do your damn job"  I ordered Carlos. He nodded his head Once and he took his tooth pick out of his mouth.
"Its practically done" Carlos groaned to me as got off my couch. I secretly checked to see he had dirt all over my couch.
"Clean the couch please - oh no, buy a whole... a whole new couch" I shivered seeing the dirt stain and I wanted it out of my sight so I rushed away.

I stared at the photo of Grace and Hannibal together and it only enraged me. They really thought they could hide? No no, I know everything. I'll have them in my hands soon and when I do, I'll feed them to the pigs.

Henry's POV

I stared at the newspaper a little longer... Grace Lars .... She survived. I gotta find her, I gotta hide her. I must protect her, my little girl. She doesn't know I'm alive, and that doesn't entirely concern me. We will be reunited and I will tell her the truth of her family.

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