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Hannibal and I took out the guards guarding the basement and we hid the bodies. Then, we walked down the basement to hear Carlos humming. I raised the rifle I looted off the first guard I killed and as we got closer to the basement, I could smell all these strong and god awful chemicals. We got the basement and I aimed my weapon at Carlos, who had a scalpel pressed against Will's throat. Will was unconscious on the slab and I could easily take the shot, I just wanted answers. Carlos kept a serious face as he stared me down but I wasn't scared. Hannibal stayed behind me as he watched everything to kick off.
"What business do you have with Grutas?" I questioned him angrily. He scoffed and shrugged his shoulders at me.
"Why would I tell you anything?" He replied back to me, showing his teeth. I smirked and aimed the gun to his knee cap.
"I'm the one holding the gun" I reminded him and I pulled the trigger. He grabbed his knee and fell to the floor, screaming in agony as he rolled around. I tossed the gun away from me and Hannibal already rushed to see Will. He tried gently waking him but he was heavily drugged up.
"That gunshot is going to get Grutas' and Mason's attention, we have to go" I exclaimed to Hannibal, who was pulling the drip out of Will and carried him in bridal style.
"I suggest we do things quietly" Hannibal recommended, eyeing my beloved pocket watch. I held it in my hands and nodded my head at him.
"Stay behind me" I ordered and then we took our leaving - leaving Screaming Carlos.

We got out the house and it was snowing. Hannibal and I were both so weak, from Florence etc still and it was dark, giving us cover. Will's home wasn't far from here so we decided to take shelter there. We went through the woods, while we listened to people screaming orders around to find us.

We made it to Will's and I barged it open to be greeted with millions of dogs. Hannibal walked past them all carefully and laid Will down on the bed. He leaned over him and checked his temperature. Meanwhile, I was peering out the window to see if anyone followed us.

"He should awake soon" Hannibal informed me. I glanced his way to see him walking towards me, stroking the odd few dogs he passed.
"That was to easy..." I mumbled. Hannibal looked down at me confused then back out the window.
"You believe they let us escape?" Hannibal questioned me.
"I don't know, but something isn't right" I whispered back.

Hours had past, there was still nothing. The sun was rising and I was sat on the couch while Hannibal was watering Will, who just woke up. I felt awkward being around the two of them, for some strange reason. So, I kept my distance.
"Why didn't you just leave me?" Will questioned us tiredly. I sighed and laid down on the couch.
"Alana set us free" Hannibal exclaimed. I viewed my hand to see it was still recovering from Jack crushing it and I closed my eyes as the world spun for me slightly.

Hannibal sat down beside me and he licked his lips, leaned forward and clasped his hands. I groaned to myself and knew he had something to inform me. I stroked the dog licking my thigh and I stared at Hannibal.
"Henry was going to inform you something, but there was no such time for him to do so" Hannibal
Told me. Worry imprinted on my face and I felt like my world was about to crushed, somethings wrong.
"Arthur was your half brother" he said to me slowly, staring into my eyes. I had to process that for a moment.
"Henry and my mother...." Is all I managed to say. Suddenly, we heard cars pull up and I dashed to the window to see FBI vans pulling up.
"Shit" I whispered to myself. I turned my head over to Will to see him limping over to us.
"Leave..." he said to us sternly. I stared at him for a moment then back out the window, to see Jack get out a vehicle.
"Come out!" Jack shouted. Hannibal grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from the window. I shot my head over at Will and he was pointing at the back window.
"I'll see you soon" I promised him then Hannibal guided me to the back window.

Hannibal and I ran through the woods and we jumped over roots etc. Suddenly, I heard more footsteps and I turned around to see no flash lights or dogs after us. Grutas..
"Trust me, I'll find you" I shouted to Hannibal then took a different path.
"Grace!" Hannibal shouted to me but I ran till he couldn't see me.

I got to an open field and I stopped to take in some breaths. The sun was rising and it was a beautiful sight. I was so tired, from sleep and I used my energy up at Mason's estate.
"Grace Lars..."
I turned around to see Grutas holding the same samurai sword he killed Henry with. Anger filled me up and I knew only one of us are going to make it out Alive. He had a grin on his face while he circled me.
"You should've ran faster" he told me, slicking back his blonde hair. I snarled to him as I also circled him, gripping on my pocket knife. He glanced down at my weapon and met my eyes again.
"I'm leaving... with your head" I threatened to him. He chuckled under his breath and stopped circling me, making me stop. I could smell his desperation to kill me.
"You're still in that fairy tale, hm?" He asked me.

Suddenly, he charged at me and raised his sword but I dodged out of his way and he swung again, just catching my shirt. I fell to the floor and he went to stab me again but I rolled over and he pointed the blade right at my neck. I froze still and he chuckled to himself.
"I would've thought you'd make this difficult for me"
He smirked. I just took in deep breaths and pointed behind him. He looked at me funny, yet didn't turn around. Thankfully, Hannibal came up from behind him and bit a chunk out of his throat. Blood spilt all over me, making me shield my eyes. Fear filled Grutas' face and he withdrew the sword from me and turned to face Hannibal.

I jumped to my feet and easily slipped the sword out of his hand. I glanced over Grutas' shoulder to see Hannibal staring at me, blood all over his chin and he nodded at me. Grutas turned around once he noticed his sword was missing and he stared at me with wide eyes. I smiled at him and shot the sword through his chest. He let out a loud groan as he slowly slipped down on the sword.
"Next time, don't talk and if you're going to kill them... kill them!" I whispered to him and knocked him off the sword. He fell to the floor and coughed his more blood. Hannibal and I swarmed around him and I took a moment to stare at his hopeless face. Every time I looked at his face, I remember him staring at me with lifeless eyes with the toothpick in his mouth. I raised the sword to his chin and he kept coughing.
"I'm taking your head with me..." I whispered to him.

I cut off his head and I viewed it in my hands. His jaw was opened and his eyes looked in the back of his skull. The satisfaction felt so good, since I have been waiting 18 years for this moment. I felt my family's guilt and despair wash away, like the cabin never happened. Hannibal stood beside me and held my hand since we knew the FBI were coming for us. I met his eyes and he deeply kissed me, since it could be the last. I used my free hand and held the back of his head while he cupped my face. The vehicles stopped in front of us and Hannibal drew away. I scanned the area to see there was no point in running. Will and Jack got out the vehicles and I saw Will was annoyed, probably because we didn't run away. I raised Grutas' head to them all and the crimson sun shone onto us. I showed off my success and goal in life.
"Grace Lars and Hannibal Lecter, you are under arrest. Drop all your weapons or we will shoot" Jack shouted to us as he stopped approaching us. I viewed the katana in my hand and I stabbed it into Grutas's body then dropped my pocket knife and kicked them away.

I left Grutas' head beside his body. Then, Hannibal and I raised our hands as we walked over to Jack. I could smell how relieved Jack was to have caught us. Jack cuffed me and I whispered to him.
"I won"
I smirked and he looked up at me.
"Is that what you think?" He asked me, unamused. I didn't respond but still kept my smirk on my face.
"You're never even going to feel the sun on your skin again" he threatened me, then pushed me into the van.

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