No escape

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I paced the bedroom as I thought of what to do. Martin is surely getting FBI on us and there's nothing we can do about it. I checked how many bullets I had left in my revolver and it was purely 6, against the FBI.
"Shit, shit, shit" I murmured to myself. Meanwhile, Hannibal was sat on the bed, staring into space. He didn't seem worried about the whole thing, while I clearly was.
"We gotta get outta here" I muttered to Hannibal, with my hands on my hips.
"Grace, I'm afraid there is nothing you can do" Hannibal sighed to me.
"Bullshit! There's somewhere, there is..." then I had a thought come to mind. I glanced over at the bed and I walked over. I felt the sheets and the duvet to notice it was thick. A smirk grew on my face once I got the thought.
"You'll probably hate me for this" I chuckled to Hannibal. He raised an eyebrow at me and I sat down beside him on the bed.
"Listen carefully"

Wills POV

I watched Jack speed down the road, he clenched his hand on the steering wheel and I felt his eyes focus more on the road. I could even smell his desire starting to burn my nostrils. The continuous sirens made my ears ache and put me more on edge. The last memory I had of Grace was her hands on my cheeks as I felt my body go cold, on Hannibal's kitchen floor. Her worried face made me question her feelings for me, and I still can't identify her... I don't know if she's insane or what. I wiped my sweaty forehead and kept adjusting myself on the car seat.
"Jack.. slow down-" I said to him calmly but he shouted over me.
"Will! We have them! We have the two rippers! Do not tell me to slow down! They are smart and they act quick, so we gotta act quicker" he shouted to me. I let out a long sigh and looked out the window, biting my nails.

We burst through the front door and Jack lead the field of agents. A man with a scarred face and messed up blonde hair with grey streaks, quickly approached us and he seemed to have a worried look on his face.
"Where are they?" Jack asked him sternly. The man pointed at a door and I saw he locked it tight, adding a plank onto the door. Jack barged past the man and tried to remove the plank using his own hands.

Once the plank was removed, we all raised our weapons and Jack burst through the door, with our guns held up. It came to a surprise to see Hannibal above Grace on the bed, but they were fully clothed. Grace kept glancing between Jack and I, taking in our faces while we did the same to them.
"Hands in the air" Jack said coldly to them. The way he said it made my skin develop goosebumps. Grace slowly removed her hands from Hannibal's back and I noticed Hannibal's hands beside Grace to hold him up. Suddenly, 2 shots were fired, causing us all to roll onto the ground. Grace and Hannibal rolled off the bed and gun fire went everywhere.

Graces POV

"4 bullets" I whispered to Hannibal. He held tight onto his wooden spike that we carved off the wall using the zip from my leather jacket. I peered over the corner to see they all evacuated the room.
"Come on!" I rushed over to the door and leaned on the wall. I didn't dare glance over the corner, because I know all their guns are aimed at the door.
"Hannibal, come into my position" I ordered him and he followed. I put my feet on the night stand and I got onto the ceiling, my feet pressed against the wall and my hands holding me up. I signalled for Hannibal to break something and he crept over to the night stand and threw it beside the window. It broke into tiny pieces and he made grunting noises for as if I hurt him then collapsed to the floor. He crept back behind the door and we heard two agents come into the room. Once they came around the corner, their guns raised, Hannibal caught the first one and held him in head lock. The second agents did a few shots, aimed for Hannibal but got his buddy instead. I jumped on top of the agent and dragged him away from the door. I snapped his neck and he fell to the floor. I quickly looted the body while Hannibal did the same. He didn't believe in guns so he had the knives and I took an AK off one of them. Hannibal and I nodded heads at each other and then I fired through the wall.

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