Chapter Three: Long Day

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For everyone who has read my works so far, I know this is very different to my first story as I had a spur of the moment thought and decided to write them.

However I feel that this story is a lot better than my other work as I haven't been able to stop writing since I started two days ago.

I decided that spacing out the upload was best as I am currently at the most busiest time for my A Levels where I have a lot of deadlines and may not have as much time to write!

Hope you all enjoy the story as much as I did writing it!

Please feel free to like if you enjoyed it and leave comments and criticisms for me as well as I welcome feedback and will answer back ASAP!


As I stepped out my Maserati and leant back in to get my bag someone playfully slapped my back.

The sensation made me angry as I had a temper which no one has ever seen as I am very good at keeping myself in check.

When I turned around I realised it was my soon to be beta, John smirking at my reaction to his playfulness.

He was sarcy and playful by nature which also helps to keep me preoccupied and feel more relaxed during my day pretending to be what I am not.

I gave him a sadistic return of a smirk and his eyebrows went up as he knew what was gonna happen next.

As I stepped forward and returned the slap 10 fold as he winced and my hand hit his shirt covered skin and began to sting.

I walked away from him swinging mg bag over my shoulder and walked away towards the schools entrance laughing to myself and shaking my head at him for even attempting to get one over on me as he knew I would retaliate and it makes me laugh he even tries.

It's almost as if he wants me to hit him every day?

When I reached my locker I began to get a whiff of another scent, this scent wasn't from my pack or any others I had smelt before and it smelt like grass and dirt, whereas my packs scent was a mixture of grass, earth and water.

I looked around realising there are a lot of students who I don't recognise but they all seem to be eyeing me, as if watching for my next move.

I mind linked John, do you know what's going on?

After waiting for 5 minutes he finally answered.

No dude, they are all transfers it's as if another pack had moved in as I can smell their werewolf's scent miles away.

After a few minutes I mind linked my dad to ask if he had and clue as to what was happening and after a few short moments he replied.

Yes, when you get back we will discuss the issue at hand, until then make sure nothing occurs!

Okay! Is all I could think of to reply as I was still trying to think of why they were here in our territory.

I decided it would be best to inform everyone and I mind linked them telling them to not under any circumstances lay a finger on the wolves just treat them like any other student we don't know.

I took their silence as a confirmation and carried on getting my books out of my locker before closing the door and heading to my first classroom before I was late.

As I began to walk through the halls I heard all if the hushed whispers from the students and new transfers and the polite head bows I received from my pack members as I walked past them.

I happened to hear someone talking a few corridors away, I know what you're thinking, my hearing and wolf abilities are stronger than anyone I've ever met meaning I was able to be far enough away that they could sense or smell me near and continued to listen to them as I slowly walked to my destination.

Blake won't be happy, if there are any fights or disputes between us then he won't stop at just a warning and nobody wants that to happen.

As I listened I knew what they were referring to, these must be members of the new pack that just transferred into school, and this guy Blake must be there Alpha or someone in command or with power.

It was near the end if the school year so new transfers was unusual due to them being behind on the curricular side.

I finally reached my class and listened intently to the English teacher whilst sitting in the back very corner of the room looking out the window. I made notes whilst looking, due to my heightened senses this was an easy task and no one was looking in my direction I could write, listen and think.

After all multi tasking is a skill that only women posses, or are able to complete to a skillful level.

English is my favourite subject so the fact that I couldn't pay attention to him as well as making notes was unbelievable as I always enjoyed listening to my teachers talking.

I somehow managed to take noted that way the whole lesson and successfully filling four pages of my notebook with notes.

All my mind kept wafting onto was what was happening, something was wrong and things were changing and the fact that I didn't know what was happening was something I didn't like one bit, as i said I like to be in control.


After my first lot of lessons I migrated with the rest of the student body onto the cafeteria and grabbed a cheese burger with fries, a pot of fruit and a drink before sitting at an empty table, my table where I always sat so that I had a good view of everyone.

I sat there encase I needed to I could get out fast and could hear if anything was going on outside too.

I felt gazes grazing in my direction every few moments and I kept my attention on my food and focused on where the stares were coming from.

And then focused my senses in on them so I could get used to their scent and commit it to memory.

I never knew it may come in handy sometime in the near future, I had no doubt I will need to do this anyway.

After a few moments when I had finished my burger and began on my fries my best friend and future beta pounced onto the seat next to me.

He immediately glanced at me and we shared a look that says 'I know just act normal' as most people were currently staring at the both of us.

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