Chapter Four: Helping Hand

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We were used to people staring at us as we weren't conceited but when you're the future Alpha and Beta, higher up werewolves tend to be beyond belief good looking, probably the genes helping to gain attention and help other wolves clarify that we were important and in a higher class than everyone else.

I hated the way John had described this to me when I asked him about it. It made us seem stuck up and that's one thing I pride myself in not being as I was actually very self conscious.

So having to dress like I do everyday wasn't so bad except I never got to experience wearing girly clothes and heals like my mom and other girls in the pack do.

I always felt envious underneath my macho man persona and my girly baby face just made the girls go even more mad over liking me which I don't understand.

I had never had time to think about boys and what it would be like to actually act and live like a girl as since I was young my father had trained me and brought me up to be a son and learn to fight and act like one too.

I ask my mom sneakily a few times on my birthday I she could dress me up like a girl but she said that my dad wouldn't like it encase someone saw.

But if he gave permission, she would gladly grant my wish someday.

After school finished I walked up to my Maserati to be stopped by a few wolves who walked through my path and sniggered at me under their breath.

I fought the urge to snap at them and sent my most hard pissed off face glare in their direction which they then realised I wasn't anyone to mess with even though I have a girly face (as I am a girl!), however I decided to scare them a little for my own amusement.

So I stood there with my menacing glare pin pointed on the handful of new wolves and they scuttled away with their tails between their legs, pun intended.

I turned to walk to my car shaking my head feeling the anger dissipate the closer I got to my car, I may be a girl but I have pride and a lot of it.

I will never want to see the day I don't get my own way as my inner wolf wouldn't like that, not one bit and neither will the person my anger will be pointed to.

When I reached my car I suddenly recalled what my father had said this morning and raced out of the parking lot and onto the road like a pro race driver as I was aloud my few releases of freedom for being a supportive and helpful daughter/son.

I raced home and e pertly swing the car onto the path leading to our house without slowing to turn, anyone would praise this skill, however some of my pack knew my skill as they had witnessed my skill when I drove along the forest roads and onto the pack territory.

I pulled my car into the garage at the side of my house and got out locking the car and putting my keys on the hanger next to my other car keys for the other 3 sets as I had a Jeep, Range Rover, and Ferrari parked next to one another along the garage front allowing me to easily pull out of the garage and away when I needed to.

I walked through the open garage doors and they automatically closed shut as I walked through the unlocked front door.

The packs houses front doors were always unlocked if they were home as if was a rule so we knew if something had happened and if they were at home or not.

As I entered the house my mom came running from the back of the house back underneath the stares where there lead a corridor to other rooms the house contained.

I could tell she was with my dad in his office and that we probably have a guest as she was wearing nice clothing, business style I learnt meant we had company and obviously important ones at that.

She grabbed my arms and lead me to my dad's office through the dark wooden floored hallway that lead to a massive dark brown door where we immediately entered to my dad sitting behind his desk and a few people I had never met before sitting before my dad that all turned their attention to my direction when I entered.

I found myself mind linking my father to ask what was going on and he told me to 'ask aloud?'

So I did as I was instructed and asked the question to the room.

What's going on? What's happening?

The attention of everyone was definitely on me now and my dad breathed a sigh and gave a look to the older man sitting in the chair in front of my dad.

'Why don't you take it from here' my father said to the man as he nodded slightly in acceptance.

He looked to me and I slowly moved so I was standing closer to my dad so the man didn't have to turn so much in his chair, and so I didn't feel disrespectful to him as he was obviously important.

I thought about who this man could be, Alpha came to mind but he seemed too old to still be in a role of Alpha but he definitely held that air of confidence we Alphas radiate.

I gave the man my undivided attention as I waited for him to begin to explain the situation to me.

He began by telling me that he was a previous Alpha and that his pack was under attack during the night, his pack wasn't weak that they were invaded and conquered however their land was attacked more than their brethren and they had no form of shelter after they had defeated their enemy of rogues.

The devastation that was left behind meant that their houses had been burnt down and were currently in the process of rebuilding however they need a place to house their pack and children somewhere save.

As my pack has very food relations as we are one of the strongest packs, we weren't allies with this pack however which made their situation dire as in the past my dad and this Alpha had disagreed on something's and nearly went to war before my mother stepped in and solved the situation by providing a truce and cease fire.

After receiving this bit of information I stole a glance to my mom who sent me a cheeky wink and I shook my head playfully in disbelief.

I knew what they were getting at, they wanted a temporary truce and for us to provide service to help their pack rebuild their land and provide security for their women and children.

I nodded in acknowledgement when he finished talking to signify I understood.

He then turned his attention to my dad and asked if he would accept their plea as this meant our wolves would be needed to help if they wanted to be finished any time soon.

What's my dad going to do?

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