Chapter Ten: Training

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Hey guys!

Sorry about the late night update!

Been a busy week with college so had a lot of work to do.

Any who, Thank you guys so much for reading and voting for my story.

So far I have been trying my hardest with my writing as I said I am a novice.

Hope you guys enjoy the update!


When we reached the training room my father asked Blake if he wanted to have a go.

Blake kindly refused the offer as it was too early for him, being only 6:00.

This meant I was first.

I had to hold back in front of outsiders, however I wasn't going to deny myself the pleasure of letting my dad win easily.

Dan, my father got into a hunched over stance ready to pounce at any minute, as I watched his facial movement I knew what was coming as his eyes showed me where he was going and his feet told me what he was going to do.

He was going to go for my right using a scrimmage hold to test my strength at holding him at bay.

This was too easy a win for me and he knew it meaning he was testing my ability to adapt whilst others were here.

I got into the same stance, so as I sidestepped following his movements around the mats laid out on the floor for training I put on my best poker face and he attacked first going for my waist where I pretended not to know he was going to do.

I made myself looked shocked and strained and allowed myself to be slightly pushed back before faking effort to slightly push him back.

My father broke off the hold nodding for what looked like approving my skill and strength.

But we both know what I was really capable of, hence his nod meant well done for controlling my strength.

We carried on like this for five minutes, then proceeded onto speed.

I knew Blake had seen my speed, so I wasn't sure what to do.

Should I fake it or use some of my speed?

I decided on the second option as there was no point hiding it now, besides Blake would definitely find it strange after what he saw yesterday and this morning.

I grabbed hold of my wondering thoughts and concentrated on the situation at hand.

My father lunged at me and I effortlessly dodged he looked shocked then angry, I decided now would be a good time to mind link him.

Dad, he's seen me using my speed to help the rebuild go faster, there's no point trying to hide it, he may become suspicious.

After considering what I'd said, he then sent a grin my way knowing he was going to enjoy this as it meant I had to let him win.

I took a deep breath and stood my ground once again.

At the thought of my dad enjoying beating me up my anger began to rise.

He kept hitting me on the head and knocking my balanced form.

I bit down my lower lip, losing all strength at holding in the building rage.

What? I never lose my temper over things such as this, I'm usually very good at control, I just hated not getting my way.

I guess you could say I'm stubborn as I follow my instinct, and I knew that that would always be the correct decision.

After my father hit me again, I felt the gaze that I had been fighting to ignore, burn into the side of my head and the growling started.

I know this sound, it's my wolf.

Why is she growling, I don't like the fact that my father's showing me up as being weak in front of Blake, maybe that's why, maybe there is a connection between us.

I think my dad realised my control waned as he grabbed me by my throat when I was distracted at trying to control my emotions by biting my lip.

When my back hit the floor with a clear slam, I forgot my thoughts and looked straight at him. Just as he mind linked me.

"What's wrong? Tell me now and I want the truth."

I took a deep breath and released it before replying.

"I don't know what's wrong honestly, when I first met Blake I had this weird feeling and now he is a major distraction, my wolf keeps growling when I'm around him and I keep losing my temper.

Also my strength and powers seem to be getting stronger, even more than before and I think all this has something to do with me turning 18 tomorrow."

I mentally sighed and stayed quiet waiting for a reply.

He didn't reply and glanced over to where everyone was standing, I think he must have mind linked my mom as she nodded in agreement to something before he turned to me.

"I know what's happening, you must follow me and I will explain everything. But try to control yourself and don't speak unless I tell you to."

I nodded before he let go of his grip around my neck, I hadn't realised I had my airways shut off as I began to gasp for air and as I rolled away, I noticed Blake's fisted hands and clenched jaw.

I quickly in took air and followed my father. Before leaving he turned to talk to the others.

"I need to speak to Theo alone, please make yourself comfortable Blake I'm sure you and Dale have loads to talk about. Jane, Could you prepare breakfast for our guests while me and Theo talk and he cleans up for school."

I looked to my mom who smiled encouragingly. Then to Dale and Blake who were watching us, when I noticed Blake looked away as soon as I looked at his eyes, it looked as if he wanted to keep eye contact, but was fighting the urge.

I decided to help him but forcibly willing myself to turn and walk away.

I nodded to them before leaving "see ya later" was all I could say before leaving.

However I could still feel the weight of Blake's gaze on my back as I left and I felt literally sick and immediately felt lonely from the loss of him.

I remember feeling like this before, whilst walking away from Blake last night when I was helping at the Grass land.


I know it's a short chapter, but I hope you all thoroughly enjoyed it!

What do you think of Selene so far?

Do you have any ideas as to what might happen next?

Please feel free to comment and please vote if you liked it!

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