Chapter Sixteen: Greetings

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Hey guys yet again unplanned events happened due to me having to finish my coursework as I have technically left Sixth Form and my BTECs are dragging on!

I yet again apologise for the late update and hope you all enjoy it! Xx


Selene's POV

After John, Jake and Maddie left I felt the need to have contact with Blake.

If only just eye contact, I needed to know that he was here for me.

That he wouldn't reject me for my secretive behaviour, or technically lying to him as we haven't really spoke much and I don't him all that well.

After a few minutes of looking around the room and smiling to some pack members, Blake and Dale come in from the door that leads to the garden.

As soon as he sees me his face lights up and a smirk is plastered to his face.

Not an evil or mischievous grin but one that was hopeful and damn sexy, I have never wanted to or felt the need to jump someone so strongly before.

I felt the unnerving need to touch him, as they got closer and our eyes were glued together sending chills up my spine Dale was the first to congratulate me for my birthday and reach out to shake my hand.

I felt nervous shaking his hand in front of Blake but he didn't seem to mind.

Probably as he was his father and he didn't feel threatened by him touching me, giving the circumstances as its manners to greet the hosts.

I smiled and shook his hand, and then turned my attention to Blake.

He was stepping closer to me as Dale moved out of the way to greet my parents.

All of the sudden everything else disappeared and it was just us in the room staring into one another's eyes, no one else, all I wanted to hear was him telling me what I already knew.

As if on cue to my lustrous thoughts I heard him growl 'mine' and I did what I could as our eyes were still linked and just nodded as my wolf screamed at me 'mate' which I uttered not realising that my parents and Dale heard too.

Their eyes were on us and our joined hands we must have unconsciously reached out and as if on cue the tingles spread throughout our touched skin and sent chills raking through my body, good chills that made me want him to touch the rest of my body to spread the tingles further and stronger as my wolf was purring at the sensation.

I stood there looking into Blake's eyes as he did the same the both of us smiling and grinning at each other. We knew what this meant and why we felt pulled to each other.

By the time I realised it my parents and Dale were next to us.

My mom grabbed me into a hug pulling my hand out of Blake's which made him growl.

My mom let me go as Blake again linked our hands, this time intertwining our fingers together.

My mom squealed and was jumping around happily. She knew this might happen, and I'm sure she was happy that he was an Alpha and good looking; as was I.

The whole night I stood with Blake drinking and talking and dancing as we had my birthday party with music and food, but neither of us was hungry so we talked laughed and danced.

As I was 18 now we were obviously drinking alcohol, however it doesn't have the same effect on werewolves as it does humans. We have to drink a large quantity of it to become intoxicated.

By the looks of everyone else who was topping up my cup, including John who kept winking at me they were all drinking as well.

Johns action however was noticed by Blake and he immediately went on the defensive and growled at him, I didn't mind the act as it made me feel loved and he looked so hot protecting me, in fact I revelled in the protectiveness of my now obviously over protective mate.

After a while I got tired so Blake came with me as we left the room. After searching for somewhere quiet we arrived in the garden. I sat down on the bench feeling the side effects of the alcohol in my system.

I knew I was drunk! Had I really drank that much? I hadn't really kept track but I hadn't drank enough to get drunk, I brushed it off as I thought it might just be because I am nervous being by Blake, at this point I realised neither of us had spoken yet since we left the house and I didn't know what to say so I sat quietly, until Blake sat beside me.

The close proximity between us and the alcohol intoxication wasn't a good mix. I did something I knew I wouldn't have done at this point sober. When Blake reached for my hand I entwined my fingers with his.

After a few seconds of looking into his golden eyes I decided it would be good to move in sealing our unmoving mouths with a kiss.

It took him by surprise, but it didn't take long for him to take control as any Alpha would, however I was an Alpha too, so I didn't let up and he seemed unwilling at first and then gave into ME!.... He let me take control! Haha I'd say he's gonna regret it, and in some ways he will, but he won't regret this.

Eventually we melted into one another's touch his hand on my back down to the top of my dress his hand on my back felt hot to the touch as he pulled me closer to him and the tingles spread to my back and shoulders which made me relax and feel a need for his touch.

He asked for permission to deepen the kiss by licking my bottom lip for entrance. I happily obliged and giggled at the gesture as he sighed from longing and pleasure as I finally let him take control.

He lifted me so that I was sitting on his lap, sot straddling him as he wanted because of my dress, however, I knew from where my leg was positioned over his thigh, that the hard object poking my thigh was his enjoyment and excitement. I revelled in the fact that I had caused it. The big bad Alpha yearning for me!

I felt excitement at my centre as it started to yearn for him as well.

Things were getting heated pretty fast as he moved his hands up and sown my uncovered back.

Probably realising there was no bra strap, he got excited from the fact as he groaned into my mouth before slipping his other hand onto the front of my dress.

I immediately pulled away at the unknown touch.

He seemed to notice, after at first looking angry, he seemed to notice how nervous I was.

He looked into my eyes and said the few words I longed to hear as we were getting heated in each others embrace and I didn't want to chance on lookers. "You want to go somewhere quiet?" He asked with a mischievous grin.

My heart somersaulted at the words as my wolf was howling with excitement as I blushed and nodded.

He intertwined our fingers and lead me away from the garden back into the house, all the way up to my room.

After we entered the room he placed me on the bed and went and locked the door behind us, turning to reveal a goody smirk plastered on his face as he stalked towards me all sexy and hot as I could see the lust, love and happiness in his eyes.


Hope you liked this chapter!

I know I ended it in a hot and steamy place but you'll have to wait until Friday to see what happens.

Thank you for everyone that has read and even voted for my story, I hope you like it so far!

Please comment if you want to know anything or have any comments

And please don't forget to vote if you like it!

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