"He said that he will skype with us." Kareena says.
"Okay." I say.
"I'm excited!' I gush. "He's my favorite actor!"
"awe." she says and laughs.
"Was that the other surprise?" I ask Braden.
"Nope." he says.
"Where is it?" I ask.
"close to here." he says.
"I'm not telling you anything else." he says.
"Ugh Kareena!" I wine. "He knows I hate surprises yet he throws them at me"
"Just be patient." she says.
"I'm kind of scared." I joke.
Kareena laughs.
"Hello?" a voice says from Kareenas phone.
"Hi Shahid" she says.
"Hi Kareena how are you?" He asks.
"I'm good, just finishing up with Priyanka Choora's music video and I met up with a fan who's also a fan of yours." She said.
"Really? Is she with you now? he asks.
"Yes." She says smiling.
"Come here Chloe!" Kareena says.
I shyly walk over to Kareena.
"Hi." I say shyly.
"Hi Chloe" Shahid says.
"I can't believe this is all happening." I say.
They all laugh.
"I wish you were here Shahid" I say.
"Yeah I know." He says.
"Wait, are you here?" I ask.
He turns off the Skype. "Yes, I am here." I hear a voice say.
I turn around and there's Shahid!
"Braden was this the surprise?" I ask.
"Nope." He says.
"Chloe this is my birthday gift to you. Would you like to dance with me?" Shahid asks.
"Oh my god. I mean.. yes i do." i say.
"Okay Kareena will teach you her part" he says.
"okay" i say.
"What song do you want to learn? " Shahid asks.
" Mauja Hi Maja from Jab We Met. " I say.
"Okay let's start from the top." Kareena says.
After an hour I thought I was going to collapse.
"Oh my god. How do you guys do this?" I ask.
"Lots of practice sweetie. " Kareena says.
"Yeah I bet." I say.
"Braden wanna come try?" Kareena asks
"Oh no I'm good." He says.
"No you are doing it." I say.
He smiles lightly and takes my hand.
"Okay" Shahid says. "Kareena and I will do it and you follow us."
"Oh god, I'm going to fail at this." I hear braden say.
"You'll do fine" I say.
"Ready?" Kareena asks.
"Sure." Braden says.
Shahid and Kareena go over the first step.
"It almost looks like you're doing disco" Shahid says.
Braden laughs.
After about 20 minutes later I'm so tired.
"We'd better go." Braden says.
" But I want to hang out with them forever!" I say.
"Awe.. I'm gonna miss you Chloe." Kareena says.
"I'm gonna miss you also. Hey do you have a cell phone?" I ask.
"Yes I do. We could text each other." She says.
"That's international texting I don't know if I have that." I say.
"Bradennnnn why are you making me leave? " I whine.
"Hey I have an Idea.." Braden Says.
"What's that?" I ask.
"You could go with Kareena for a week and then come back." He says.
"All the way to Mumbai?! But we don't have the money. "I say.
"I can't ask you for that." I say to Kareena.
"No I can't let u do-"
"no it's fine." Kareena cuts me off.
"No please let me." She says.
"Okay. If you're sure." I say.
"What will you do Braden? " I ask.
"What will you do Braden? " I ask.
"Braden? " I ask. Was that... the surprise? "

Random16 year old Chloé has been struggling with eating disorders, depression, abuse, self harm and has been in and out of mental hospitals for the last 3 years. but when she meets Anderson is he going to be the one to change Chloé and her life for the b...