The Love of a Father

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(Thranduil POV)

The world around me was quiet. I sat on top of my throne as I looked out over the trees of my realm. Something felt like it was missing. I picked up the locket that was close to my heart and opened it. The smiling face of the person I loved looked back at me. It pained me to see someone who had long since passed away. I closed the locket as tears threatened to fill my eyes.

“My lord?” a voice said from the shadows.

“What!” I snapped, wiping at my eyes furiously to get rid of the tears there. When I looked, Suiadan was standing in front of me. He looked worried. “What, what is it?”

“My lord, you have a message,” he said, handing me a folded piece of paper. “It just arrived.” I grabbed the paper and looked at him. When I nodded my head, he quickly left. Stange…

Hello uncle,

You need to come to Gondor at all haste. Your son has fallen ill, and we need you here. He has not awoke, and we are all extremely worried. Please come as quickly as you can. We are all awaiting your arrival.


I folded the letter and held back more tears. I already lost two that I loved, I cannot lose another. “Suiadan!” I yelled, he came quickly, he had a knack for disappearing into the shadows. A small smile touched my lips as he came to my side. “Get my elk ready.”

“Already done, my lord,” he stated. Another smile touched my lips, because he knew me better than most people. “Do you want me to travel with you?”

“Please,” I stated, looking up at him. I stood up, and he moved so I could walk with him. “We will leave within the hour.”

“All is ready my lord. I have the previsions ready, and my horse is ready also,” Suiadan informed me. I dismissed him with a wave of my hand, and he bowed his head to leave. My hand messed with my locket, without my knowledge. It was always there.

“I’m coming my son…” I whispered quietly, closing my eyes as tears threatened to fall again. With a sigh, I quickly wiped them away again. It would be a long ride to Gondor, and I went to change into riding clothes. When I made it to my chambers, I noticed that my clothes were already laying out on my bed. Suiadan can always know what to do in times like these. I quickly changed and took my crown off. After I placed it on its stand, I pulled my white hair out of my face. I kept the locket on underneath my clothes, and made my way to the stables.

Suiadan was waiting for me, changed for the long journey ahead. His brown hair was pulled back, much like mine. “Shall we, my Lord?” He asked, mounting his black steed. He looked at me waiting, and I knew that he is the only one I wanted with me. I nodded my head, not trusting my voice. My elk was waiting for me, and I quickly took off into the woods. My son was waiting for me, and I was not going to lose him too.


    It was a three day journey, it should have been longer, but we pushed our animals to the brink. It was the morning of the fourth day when Gondor came in sight. Both Suiadan and I slowed down as we neared the city. Aragorn and Arwen were waiting for us at the gates. “Hello Uncle!” Arwen yelled to me as we got closer. I nodded my head, not wanting to speak.

    “Where’s my lords son?” Suiadan asked in a calm voice. I was glad that he was here with me, or else my voice would crack.

    “He is in his chambers,” I looked to find the voice, and my eyes locked with Elrond’s. I slipped off the side of my elk, and Suiadan did the same. Two young men came running up to take them to the stables. Aragorn was silent through this entire thing. He looked as worried as I felt.

    “I would like to see him,” I stated. Elrond nodded once.

    “Follow me,” Aragorn said, that was the first thing Aragorn had said since I saw him. Arwen grabbed his hand, and they all started to walk towards Legolas’ chambers. No one was speaking. We passed people on the way up, and Aragorn smiled and nodded at them. He was their king now, he had to make sure he was strong for his people.

    When we made it to the room, I noticed that Gandalf sat at the bedside of Legolas. To the outside eyes, Legolas looked fine. He looked relaxed, almost as if he were asleep. It wrenched my heart to see him like this. “Hello Gandalf,” I greeted, bowing my head to him. “Thank you for looking after my son.”

    “It is the least I can do,” he said standing up. We all stood near the door, watching Legolas. “He has been like this for the past five days. Aragorn was the one who was with him when he collapsed. He told us that Legolas was talking about how he knew he was going to die. Do you have any idea why he would be saying that?”

    Gandalf looked at me expectantly. I sighed, knowing that Legolas would not last from his heart ache. With one look at his son, he could tell that Legolas harbored feelings for Aragorn and Aragorn did the same. “Elves cannot die from natural human causes, but something that is natural for elves, is dying of a broken heart. There is nothing we can do for my son. The only way is for the person who Legolas loves, tells him to come back.”

    Aragorn looked hard at me, not understanding why he would have to die. “Why does he have to die? We went to the gates of Mordor, and we both survived. We survived so many things together, and yet he is the one who is dying. That does not seem right to me. I will not let one of my friends die before his time.”

    “Aragorn, this might be his time,” Suiadan said in his calm voice. He was always so calm in situations like this. He always knew the right thing to say. I closed my eyes, not wanting to believe it myself.

    “How can you be so calm?” Aragorn asked, tears in his voice. I opened my eyes to see them there, plain on his face. “I want Legolas to come back to me.”

    There was a stir on the bed and we all turned to see Legolas opening his eyes and looking at us. “Why is everyone staring at me?”


Author’s Note,

Alright guys, I give you all the right to yell at me for not posting another part… I feel so bad that it has taken so long for me to write anything. I had my last weekend of The Crucible, and then I had to audition for my school play. It’s the Great Gatsby, and I’m going to be a flapper, and I’m very excited. I hope you guys like this part, it’s more of a filler part than anything. I will try to get the next part up soon. Please keep voting, and commenting, because it does mean a lot seeing your comments.



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