Telling Everyone

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(Aragorn POV)

'Today is the day...' I thought to myself as I walked to the great hall. Legolas was next to me, and he looked perfect. He wore his pale blue tunic, and his hair was it's usual braid. I guess I was staring because Legolas looked at me with a smile. "Sorry," I said, turning to look forward. I was wearing a simple outfit, just something to not be all fancy.

"Are you ready?" Legolas asked, looking at me out of the corner of his blue eyes. The blue matched his outfit, and his pale skin was perfect. "We do not have to tell them if you are not comfortable to."

"No, we have to tell them," I told him, pushing my hair out of my face. All the people were gathered at the great hall, waiting for me to make an announcement. It had been about a week since Legolas had returned to Gondor, and it was high time to tell people about us so we no longer had to hide. "I want people to know about us, so we no longer have to be kept a secret. Plus Gandalf and Elrond told us that we should tell people."

"I know, but it feels strange, yet exhilarating to tell people," Legolas commented with a small smile on his face. Nothing could ever bring this elf down. Once we had walked up to the great hall doors, I looked at the elf. His blue eyes were sparkling, and I bet I had the same sparkle in my eyes. "Shall we?"

"We shall," I replied. He went to open the doors, but I pulled him into a small hug. Legolas hugged me back, and I gave him a small peck on the lips. His cheeks were tinted pink, and I smiled as I walked into the hall. A huge crowd was gathered there, and soon everyone was clapping and cheering.

"Now welcoming our King Aragorn," a herald said, gesturing towards me. "Also the elf friend, Legolas Greenleaf of the woodland realm." We both walked to the front of the room as people cheered for us. Once we made it to the front of the room, and I raised my arms for silence. In an instant the room was silent, and I smiled.

"My dear people," I started, trying to think of the right words, "we have an announcement for all of you. The marriage between Lady Arwen and I was false, she was blackmailing me into this." The room gasped at what I said, and I held my hand up again. "This elf and I have been friends for years. Recently, we have discovered that we have feelings for each other." Legolas held my hand, squeezing it slightly. I took this comfort, and sighed. "We love each other, and I wish to be with him." There was silence around the whole hall, and I was slightly scared at what was going to happen.

"This is amazing!" A voice from the crowd said. I couldn't identify who it was, because there were too many people. "Our King has found someone he loves! We should be celebrating!"

"He's right!" Another voice said, clapping.

Pretty soon everyone was going crazy, cheering and applauding. Legolas looked at me with a smile. I smiled back at him, pulling him into a hug. I heard awing from the crowd, and everything felt right.

"Long live the kings!" a chant rose from the crowd. Legolas could not help but pull me into a kiss. The kiss lasted a while, and the crowd kept cheering.

"This is amazing," he whispered to me, and I smiled.

"Yes it is," I responded. Gandalf joined us at the front of the room, and we put his hands on our shoulders.

"I am proud of you both," He said, a huge smile on his face. "You know people will want to know if you two are going to get married soon. The did say long live the kings." My face dropped for a second as I thought of that.

"Do not be frightened," Legolas said, squeezing my hand again. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said, kissing his cheek. Legolas and I waved goodbye to everyone, and they all cheered. Legolas looped his arm with mine, and my face hurt from smiling so much. I had never been happier than I was at this moment. We told everyone, and they all accepted us. We were accepted by the people, and now we did not have to hide from the fact that people would shun us.

"I cannot believe we did that," Legolas told me after we walked out into the hallway. "I am so happy that people accept us."

"I know," I said to him, pulling him closer to me. We could walk close to each other now, and no one cared if I held his hand. "I am glad that Gandalf and Elrond told us to tell the people. We can be ourselves now, and not be someone else."

"Should we go back to our rooms?" He asked, resting his head against my shoulder. I felt my cheeks tint a little, and I smiled at him.

"Only if you want to," I replied, biting my lip. He smiled at me as we headed towards my room. It was nice to be free, and not have to worry about Arwen or anything. "Would you like to stay in my room permanently?"

"Only if you want me to," Legolas said, giving me a smile. I nodded my head, pecking his lips softly.

"Why would I not want you to?" I asked, walking up the stairs to my rooms. "You are my love, and I want you somewhere I can watch you." He blushed slightly, and I smirked at that.

"Stop giving me that look," he said, kissing me.

"Let us wait until we get to the room," I said, and Legolas nodded reluctantly.

"So when is the wedding?" He asked with a smirk. My face dropped a little, and I looked at him. "Only joking. I just wanted to see your face when I mentioned that." I gave him a small, playful shove as I opened the doors to my room. "You know I enjoy teasing you."

"Sometimes it does not feel like teasing," I said, taking my shirt off once the door was closed. When I turned around, Legolas was blushing madly. "Sorry, I just wanted to see your face when I did that."

"That is not fair," he said, turning his back to me. I chuckled as I walked closer to him. Legolas turned around abruptly, and I was pushed against a wall. He pushed his lips to mine, kissing me passionately. "But when have I ever played fair?"


Author's Note,

You guys have blown my mind! Thank you so much for all the views and all the votes! It means so much to me, like you guys are awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I cannot believe how far this story has progressed, and it does mean a lot!



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