A Decision and a Plan

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(Elrond POV)

The noise of pounding feet made me raise my eyes from the book I was reading. Right as I looked up, I saw a very distraught looking Arwen. There were tears falling down her face. I instantly got up onto my feet, rushing to her side. “What is wrong my child?” I asked her, as she crumbled to her knees. She sobbed into my shoulder, and I had no idea what was happening. More noise came from the hallway, and I looked up to find Aragorn in the doorway. He was out of breath, and there was fear in his eyes.

Arwen looked up to see Aragorn, and she ran at him and slapped him. “What are you thinking?” She asked, her words cracking with pain. Fresh tears fell from her eyes as Aragorn looked at her in shock. I had no idea what had happened, but I had a hunch.

“Arwen,” I started, grabbing her arm and leading her towards a separate room, “I need to speak with Aragorn.” She looked at me for a moment before entering the room. I turned to find Aragorn staring at me. “Sit down.” I ordered, pointing to two chairs by the window. He did as he was told, and I followed him. “Start from the beginning of why my daughter is in the other room sobbing.”

Aragorn looked down at his hands as he sat leaning his elbows against his knees. His hair fell into his face, almost as if he were trying to hide. “Arwen caught Legolas and I in a compromising situation,” he responded, not looking at me. I raised my eyebrow as I thought over the compromising part. He looked up at me, and I nodded my head for him to explain. He sighed, but continued. “She found us in the garden… Kissing…”

I closed my eyes as my hunch was confirmed. I pinched the bridge of my nose together as I thought over what to do. “Where is Legolas now?” I inquired, looking up at him.

“I do not know,” he replied, looking at his hands again. “Once Arwen found us, she ran and I followed. He could still be at the garden for all I know… I messed up, did I not? I ruined whatever I had with Arwen and with Legolas. I told Legolas I loved him. He also said he loved me back… Elrond, what do I do?” He looked scared, and I had never seen him this way before. “It is unheard of to see two men with each other. Let alone a king and an elf…”

“I want you to get Legolas,” I told him, making him look at me. “We can have a talk, and Arwen can be a part of that talk. Without realizing it, you broke her heart.” Aragorn nodded his head, and took off out of the room. He was not quite running, but he was walking rather briskly. I sighed deeply, and made my way to the room.

Arwen instantly opened the door, and I knew she had been listening to the entire conversation. Her tears had dried, but she looked unhappy. She fell into my arms, more tears falling from her face. By then, I already knew that this was not going to be a fun conversation.

“My daughter,” I told her, stroking her hair, “you must be strong. Aragorn and Legolas need guidance, and you must have strength no matter what their solution is.” Arwen looked up at me, and nodded her head. One would have their heart broken, no matter what the decision is. I sighed again, and led Arwen over to the two chairs. “Would you like some tea?” She nodded her head yes, and I went about making it.

Legolas must have been where Aragorn thought he was, because they returned after not much time. Arwen looked up the instant the men walked through the doors, and Legolas looked down at his feet. He looked guilty. My heart went out to the three of them who had to make a decision. Aragorn looked at me for help, and I held up the tea I made. “I made tea,” I told them, gesturing to the chairs by the window. They all sat, and I placed the tea on the table. No one talked, and no one looked at each other.

Aragorn was looking out the window, Arwen looked at me, and Legolas was looking at his hands. “Please forgive me,” Legolas said in a small voice. Everyone looked at him, causing a pink blush to appear in his cheeks. He sighed and looked up, looking flustered. I had never seen this certain elf display these emotions. “If I had left when I did, nothing like this would have happened. I did not mean to cause trouble, and cause tension. That was far from my mind. I acted on urges that I do not wish to have. I… I lo-lo-ve Aragorn, but I know that it will never happen between the two of us.” The blush spread, and he sputtered to get his words out. Aragorn looked almost hurt, and Arwen was bewildered. I sat and let everything unfold.

“What is your stand on this Aragorn?” I asked him, turning to look at him.

“I love Legolas,” he said simply, looking at Legolas. There was relief in Legolas’ eyes, but there was also sadness. Aragorn turned to look at Arwen, and she looked as if she were about to cry again.

“I understand,” she replied, which all shocked us. She looked away, and out the window, sipping at her tea. “I was afraid that Aragorn had ceased to love me, and fell for another women. I could not live with myself if it was another women…” I stared at my daughter, unsure of where she was getting at. “If you truly love Legolas, than I will choose to not despise you for the way you have acted.”

“I truly do,” Aragorn said, reaching next to him to grab Legolas’ hand. “You will always be in my heart Arwen. You have always been a friend and ally. It gladdens me that someone will respect our decision, but what of my subjects. I do not believe they will enjoy having a king who has an elf lover…”

“We could keep it hidden,” Legolas said, causing all of us to turn our heads to him. I was curious to see what he would continue with. “No one needs to know we are together… Arwen could help us.” He looked at Arwen with hope in his eyes, wishing for her to help.

“How?” She inquired.

“Be their cover,” I replied, causing Legolas to look at me. It was the same exact thing he was thinking. “Stay here and make it seem that the King has a woman lover. While Aragorn and Legolas are together.” Aragorn and Legolas looked at Arwen, not sure of what she would say. It would be a risk, and it might not gain anything. They would have to fool everyone, and I do not know if they are up for it.

Arwen took in a deep breath before replying. “I will help.”


Author’s Note,

I am so sorry that this is a day late… Please don’t hate me! I was in Saint Louis with my family, and I was busy with going to the Zoo and everything. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! It was fun to write. Make sure you guys continue to comment and vote. I love reading your comments. I also have an idea to run by you. I want to start writing oneshots, because they are so much fun! I will use my original characters, and if you guys want, I can write some for you! Message me what you thinks.



Love That Cannot Be (A Legolas and Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now