Beyond the Horizon

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(Third Person)

~~~~~Many Years Later~~~~~

"Legolas! Are you ready?" a voice called, stirring the elf from his sleep slightly. Aragorn walked into the room to find Legolas asleep. He pushed his grey hair out of his face before walking over to his husband. "Legolas, the boat will be leaving soon." He gently pushed Leoglas' blonde hair from his face, kissing his forehead. Finally the elf stirred enough to wake up, and smiled up at his husband.

"Hello," he said, his voice deep with sleep.

"Are you ready?" Aragorn asked again, helping Legolas to sit up from the bed. Both men shared a look. "Why am I asking this? Of course you are ready, you are always ready." Legolas chuckled, sitting up to give Aragorn a quick kiss. "Come on, we must be going."

"I am getting up, calm down," he sighed. Normally his hair was braided, but this morning it was not. Aragorn played with Legolas' blonde hair, absentmindedly braiding it. "What are you doing?"

"Hm?" Aragorn asked, pulled from his trance. Once Aragorn realized what he was doing, he dropped the braid he was working on. "Apologies, I did not realize what I was doing."

Legolas laughed, standing up and kissing his husband. "Do not apologize," he said, walking to put on a new tunic. Aragorn watched his husband, already dressed himself. "Did you find something you like?" Aragorn blushed, looking away from his youthful husband. There was a part of him that felt jealous at Leoglas' eternal youth. Whereas for him, he had gotten older. There were more lines on his face, and his hair had turned a silver grey. "Did you not say the boat was leaving?"

"I did," Aragorn said, getting up from the bed and walking to the door. They were in a small inn in Bree as they got ready to travel to the Undying Lands. Everything was already down in the cart, and it would not take them long to get to the harbor. "Come on, they are waiting for us."

Aragorn grabbed Legolas' hand, and they walked from the inn. The cart was waiting for them, and Aragorn took the reins after helping Legolas. They both had their hoods up, trying not to be too noticeable. The previous kings of Gondor traveling through Middle Earth would be quite a show. They wanted to make this trip quick and painless. They were already leaving their home, and their people.

Legolas rested his head on Aragorn's shoulder, closing his eyes slightly, thinking about the past. "I cannot fathom that we have had peace for so long... It feels like only yesterday that we were traveling from Rivendell to Mount Doom. Almost as if we were just running through Rohan and the fleeing to Helms Deep. So much has happened in this lifetime, that it is strange and hard to comprehend." Legolas said, opening his eyes to look at Aragorn.

"I know," Aragorn sighed, letting his head rest against Legolas'. It also feels that only yesterday I asked you to marry me in the small garden."

"Technically, we both asked each other to marry the other," Legolas said with a laugh, closing his eyes again. Aragorn chuckled, the sound deep in his throat. He remembered that day, looking down at his hand to see his own ring looking back at him. It has been an eventful one hundred years. Legolas was over three thousand years old, and Aragorn was one hundred and eighty-six. The age difference was staggering, but that did not stop them. Aragorn glanced down at Legolas to discover the elf asleep again. "I love you."

Legolas stirred slightly in his sleep, but he continued to rest his head against Aragorn's shoulders. In a few more hours they would be at the harbor, setting off for their journey across the sea. Elrond had prepared a ship for them, even though they were the last to travel to the Grey Havens.

"Legolas, we are here," Aragorn said, kissing Legolas' cheek lightly to wake him up. Aragorn was met with Legolas' blue eyes, and a smile.

"I finally get to see my father," Legolas said, stepping down from the wagon to grab his bag. He did not have much with him, only a few books for the journey. Aragorn laughed at the look of Legolas' face, his eyes bright with happiness.

"We get to see everyone," Aragorn said quietly, grabbing Legolas' slender hand in his own, rubbing his thumb over the top of his hand. "It feels as if it has been so long, yet so short since we have seen them."

"That is the marvel of time," Legolas stated, smiling at Aragorn. They made their way to the ship, seeing that there were a few elves to man the ship. "We have no idea that it is passing until it is too late."

"Why must you be so wise?" Aragorn asked.

"I have been alive for over three thousand years dear," Legolas chuckled, kissing Aragorn's cheek before getting on the ship. Aragorn stood on the dock, looking at the ship, and then looking back at the land, remembering his past. Things seemed to move so quickly, yet felt like an eternity. "Aragorn?"

"Yes?" Aragorn asked, looking back at the boat to see blue eyes staring back at him. "Apologies, I guess I was lost in my own thoughts." Legolas stepped off the boat, grabbing Aragorn's hands in his. "I will miss this palace."

"I will miss this place also," Legolas said, gently leading Aragorn onto the boat. "Like all things, things will change and we must let them do so. We cannot change the past, all we can do is move forward. I understand that it is scary, but we are here for each other. I love you Aragorn, and I will until the end of days."

"I love you so much," Aragorn replied, feeling the body move beneath them. They were underway, and it felt right. "Let us set off onto this last adventure of ours..."

"What a great adventure it shall be," Legolas replied, ushering Aragorn to the head of the ship, never letting go of his hands, kissing him softly on the lips. "I could not have picked a better person to adventure with than you Aragorn."

"Let us go home Legolas," Aragorn said, staring off beyond the horizon.

The End

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