A Little Alone Time

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(Aragorn POV)

I was taken aback at Arwen’s comment, but a smile lined my face. “Thank you,” I told her softly, grabbing Legolas’ hand. She nodded, but didn’t say anything. Arwen looked upset, and it hurt to see her like that.

“Come,” Elrond said, standing up and grabbing Arwen’s hand. “We should leave them alone for a while.”

“We can go elsewhere,” Legolas said, squeezing my hand. I nodded, and we stood up ourselves. “We are in your room my Lord. Thank you for everything that you have done for us. It truly means the world to us.” When I looked at him, he had a small smile on his face. It was such a pure and innocent look. Elrond bowed his head, and looked down at his daughter. I walked towards the door, pulling Legolas with me. He came willingly, but once we got to the hall we had to let go of each others hands.

“Where would you like to go?” Legolas inquired, taking a step away from me. We had to make it look as if we were only friends. My hand felt cold without his in it, and it was a strange feeling to have him so far away.

“Wherever you wish,” I replied, linking my hands behind my back. Legolas walked with his long arms across his chest. His long, pale fingers laced around his arms. He was so tall, and slender, that every muscle he had stood out through his clothes. Legolas turned his head to reply, and he caught me looking at him. A small blush appeared in his cheeks as he quickly looked away.

“H-how about the library?” He asked, looking down at the ground. His blond hair fell into his face, and I could tell he got embarrassed when I stared at him. I looked away, so I would not cause him to feel distressed. “I have yet to see it, and I was curious.”

“I am fine with that,” I replied, knowing he was now studying me. “It is rather large. We should have some privacy.” It would be nice to have some alone time with Legolas. It would be hard to have alone time, now that I am the king.

We continued to walk in silence. There were a few people we passed, and I nodded them with a smile on my face. It was strange to be getting attention from so many people I know nothing about. In moments like this, I wished I could melt into the grey walls of Gondor. Legolas stood next to me as we walked. I knew Legolas was not in his element in stone walls. For what felt like an eternity because of the silence, we finally made it to the library. When I opened the door, I looked back at Legolas who had a massive smile on his face. There were so many scrolls and books, that it would take ten lifetimes to read. I ushered Legolas in, and he looked like a small child. I never knew how much Legolas enjoyed reading. While Legolas ran around, looking at all the books, I sat in one of the chairs next to a couple of tables. It was nice to just sit and watch Legolas find different books he wanted to read. I laughed slightly to myself as Legolas came back to me with books in his arms. There had to be ten different books, that all had different looks to them.

“Having fun?” I inquired, crossing my arms across my chest. He only looked at me with a smile, and a small pink color in his cheeks.

“I am,” he replied picking up a certain book. It was in elvish script, and was written in a very beautiful hand. “Since I was the only child, I spent a lot of my time reading and practicing different skills.” I caught a few lines in the book, and it seemed to be a poem about an elvish prince.

“Elrond made sure that I was taught when I was young,” I told him, picking a book from the pile. It was the history of Gondor, and I placed it back down on the table. “Being who you are, you must have read many books.” I looked at him, and there was a gleam in his eyes. “You look so excited.”

Legolas only smiled as he continued to look at the books. The library was only open to those in higher positions. I might change the rule, because everyone should be able to have the chance to read. “Aragorn?”

“Hm?” I asked, realizing that I was staring at him. “Sorry for staring, I was thinking.”

“Thinking about what?” He asked, setting his book down.

“Too many things,” I replied honestly.

Legolas got up and sat in the chair right in front of me. He held both my hands in his, and smiled. His smiles were always contagious, and a smile soon appeared on my face. “There it is,” he said softly.

“What?” I asked, feeling as if I had something on my face.

“A smile can brighten any face,” he told me, letting go of one of my hands, and held it on my cheek. I closed my eyes, and leaned my face into his hand. He chuckled softly before I felt his soft lips on mine. Without hesitation, I kissed him back. It was a much softer kiss than that of earlier, and it was a sweeter kiss. Legolas pulled away, and I opened my eyes. I did not want him to stop kissing me, so I put my own hand on the side of his face. He was so beautiful, and I had him all to myself.

“We are alone,” I told him, bringing my face closer to his. I saw that slight pink in his face again, and it made my smile bigger. “No one really comes to the library this late.” An idea was forming in my mind, but I had no idea whether or not he was ready. “You know I love you right?”

“Yes I know,” Legolas replied, his voice but a whisper. “I love you as well.” He had a smile on his face, but at our closeness, he blushed a deep crimson. I brought my other hand to push his blond hair from his face.

“Would you like to see how much I love you?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. Legolas quickly looked up at me, and I smashed my lips into his. He was taken aback at first, and then he kissed me back. I tangled my fingers through his silky, blond hair. It was so soft, and I smiled into the kiss. He played with the hair at the base of my neck, and we broke apart for air. We put our foreheads together, and Legolas smiled at me. “Would you like to take this to more private areas?”


Author’s Note,

Sorry for being a day late, I was spending my Easter with my family. I would have done it yesterday, but my friend and I watched some anime. This is why I want to write a Black Butler story. I hope you guys like this chapter, it’s more of a filler chapter, because I need to figure out what to make of this story. Continue commenting and voting, and I do read every comment, and it makes my day seeing them.  



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