A Beautiful Morning and a Threat

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(Legolas POV)

The sounds of birds came flowing through the window, telling me that morning had come. I opened my eyes to find a slightly snoring Aragorn next to me. He looked so peaceful in sleep, that it brought a smile to my face. I rolled softly out of bed, grabbing a blanket to cover myself with. I walked over to the window, and stood there looking at the view. The room we were in was very beautiful.

After the library, we wound up in Aragorn's private chambers. The view from his room was unbelievable. The world seemed as if it went on forever. I could see the forest, and I could even see the area that was once Mordor. I shuddered slightly at the thought of being so close to a once evil place.

Arms wrapped around my waist, and I felt Aragorn's scratchy cheeks on my neck. "Enjoying the view?" he asked, kissing my neck softly.

"It is very beautiful," I told him, turning my body so I could see him. His chest was bare, and his arms were still wrapped around my waist. "Did you sleep well?"

"Sire?" a voice called through the door. I instantly took a step away from Aragorn, and I looked at the door in fright.

"What should I do?" I whispered hastily. No one could know about us. Even if it was just a servant who knew, rumors spread quickly through those ranks.

"Hide over there," Aragorn whispered quickly. He gestured towards the bed, and a space where I could squeeze myself under. I quickly ran over there, and went under the bed. Aragorn walked towards the door, but I noticed my clothes were on the floor next to his. I whistled quickly, and gestured towards the clothes. Aragorn quickly ran over to them and threw them into a pile in the closet. Only when there was no evidence, did Aragorn go to the door. "Yes?"

"We have your breakfast ready," his servant said, holding a tray in his hands.

"Thank you," Aragorn responded, taking the tray away from his servant. He had a smile on his face as the he excused himself. The servant was a young, handsome man, who had a loving face. He walked quickly out of the room, shutting the doors behind him. Aragorn walked towards a small table and put the tray down. "Legolas, you can come out now."

I pushed myself from under the bed and walked over to him. He was given a small banquet for breakfast, and everything looked so good. "Well that was close," I told him, sitting down at the table. "Maybe we can find a better place for me to hide, other than under the bed?" A smile lit my face as I picked up a piece of bread and took a small bite out of it.

Aragorn took a seat next to me and took another piece of bread. "Does that mean you will be spending more time here?" he inquired, a playful look on his face. I blushed slightly, making myself busy with my piece of bread. "I just wish we would not have to hide from everyone."

"You know we cannot do that," I replied softly. I would love to be open with everyone, but that would not go over well with certain people. "We have to be careful, if anyone finds out, who knows what will happen."

"I know," Aragorn said with a sigh. We continued to eat in silence, not wanting to voice what was on our minds. When I had finished, I walked over to the window. A cool breeze blew through the window, bringing the scent of the forest.

I closed my eyes to the smell, and the warmth of the sun on my face. It was a beautiful day, but then I heard something crash to the ground, and an intake of breath from Aragorn. I turned to see him kneeling on the floor, the tray on the floor. "What is it?" I asked, running to his side. His face had gone white, and he was clutching a sheet of paper. He was not responding, and I gently shook him, trying to make him look at me. All he did was hand me the paper, still not looking at my face. I looked at the letter, and quickly scanned through the nice handwriting....

Hello my lovely couple,

You should be more careful as to where you show affection. I saw you in the library, and I just wanted to say how lovely you both are. If I were you, I would check everywhere, because you have no idea as to who may be lurking into the shadows. You may want to start locking your doors. If you do not do as I say, then I will tell everyone your little secret. You would not want that, now would you? I will sent further word as to what I want you to do, but you better be careful. I am everywhere.

Your little friend.

The letter dropped from my hand as they started shaking. Someone saw us? But how? We were so careful... My mind raced as I tried to think of who this could be. They said they were everywhere... "How did this happen?" I asked quietly, my voice shaking, betraying how scared I was. Aragorn was finally snapped out of whatever he was thinking, because in an instant, I was in his arms. Tears fell from my eyes as I hugged him.

"I have no idea," he said, rubbing his hand on my head, trying to calm me down. "We cannot tell anyone."

"We have to tell someone," I said, pushing myself out of his arms. "We have to tell Elrond, or Gandalf, they should know how to help us..." I was desperate.

"What should we say?" Aragorn asked, looking hard at me. I could tell that he was also nervous, not knowing who to trust.

"We can trust them," I told him putting my hand on the scruff of his face. Tears were still falling from my face, unable to stop. "From now on, we have to be careful. We have no idea who might be watching us... There are so many people in this city, that it could be anyone. I can no longer be seen coming to your room. We can meet together, but we can be seen in groups of people. We have to keep away from each other..."It killed me to say it, but we had to be even more careful. "You have to be seen with Arwen more... She is going to be your wife."

Aragorn looked hurt, but he understood why we had to do this. Our lives were more or less ruined with this person out there, coming after us. There were no tears in Aragorn's eyes, but mine overflowed as he hugged me again.


Author's Note,

Hey y'all, I hope you like the added drama that I will be writing. It's been so much fun writing this story, and I hope you guys have all enjoyed it. I want to write more fanfics, I just have to be motivated I guess. Well keep on commenting and voting, because it does make my day to see you guys comment. You guys are amazing!



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